Thursday, October 21, 2004


Christ! Work just sucks! Now I am mostly at the Service Desk, so it's not that bad. But, because of Lucy and her moustache, I wasn't chosen to be a 'team trainer' which pisses me off because there are people that have been there for a shorter amount of time that are team trainers. What a crock of shit! Must go back to my whole 'attitude problem.' What a fucking joke. Yeah, they will see a MAJOR fucking attitude problem when I decide to quit. Getting Krista to cry is my ultimate goal.

Well, here we are heading into the dreaded Christmas season. GRRRREEAT! Lots of fuckin newbies that need training. Yeah, Krista never picks me because she thinks I will shit-talk the company. No need to, they will find out soon enough. The turnover rate is high, but Lucy is staying put. (DAMNIT!)

Working at the Service Desk is the most fun when working with Sara. Damn, she is SO fuckin funny! She doesn't take shit from anyone! We constantly make fun of people, especially Canadians. Don't even get me started on that subject.

My 2 year review is coming up! Woo Hoo! I think it's depressing that I've been there THAT long, but I really want to see how much of a raise I get. I peeked at it when it was in the head cashier's office, but the only thing I saw that it said was "Your quiet personality sets a good example for other team members." Yeah, I don't know how that works out, I guess I'll just have to wait... Shit. I really want to quit, but it'll be hard to leave SO MANY good friends. Most of them have already come and gone, but a few are still stickin in there. I would say that about 20 out of the ~75 cashiers there are people that aren't new. It sucks because most of the newbies don't talk to anyone but themselves.

So, as I foresee for this holiday season, I work the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday), day after Christmas (AUGH! at the service desk!), but I have the New Year holiday off to enjoy getting plastered with my friends in Canada. I'm so excited! It should be a blast!

Well, I'll try to update this more often, but I can't promise anything. Well, I don't know if anyone reads this, so leave some comments with your opinions. I'd appreciate it. THANKS FOR READING THIS BLOG!

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