Sunday, May 15, 2005

Oh Wow

YES! We always get shitloads of those fucking worm balls, and none have their fucking numbers! I finally got fed up and so I made a barcode for them, and kept it in GS, and we can use that to defect them out instead of running to the lanes to get one with numbers. And they leave your hands feeling so damn gross.

Yesterday was CRAZY. I opened, and the next TM didn't come in until 11. Well, right around 10 things just got out of hand. I had to help a few people over the phone which took about 5 minutes each. One of our NEW printers was on the fritz, and so I needed to put an 'out of order' sign on it because people kept bitching it wouldn't print, all while there was 4-5 people in line. Yeah, it sucked. Towards the end of the day, I was getting SO close to freaking out on someone. I was standing next to a register looking the other way, and this lady came up, out her stuff down, and before I had a chance to turn around, I heard, "Yoo Hoo!" WTF!? I'm standing right fucking next to you, I was in the process of turning around. God I HATE when people do this!

There was also more shit, but I have to go back to the hellhole for another shift in GS. I'm sure it will be interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice. I like the idea of keeping a worm ball barcode at GS. Lmao. Last night, I put a sign in front of the heap of worm balls: "Welcome to the Wormball Graveyard. R.I.P."

Our Saturday wasn't too bad. I was the only person scheduled at GS from sometime around 3 or 4 to close (WTF?) but 2 other people got to work up there with me, so we had 3 people and it wasnt too busy (except for a few spurts).

People do that to us all the time that stupid "Yoohoo" stuff. Yesterday this woman came up to me and I started getting HER stuff out of the bag and asking her whats wrong with it and shes like "would you please hurry...I'm in a hurry" ....while shes rummaging around her purse looking for the reciept. UMMMMM....I'm waiting for YOU! stupid.

My last day is Friday. They are not letting me transfer. They say there are NO job openings. (in all of NYC???? Riiiiiiiiiiiight)