Friday, June 03, 2005

A Week

Well, it's been a week since I posted. I've had a few shifts, but I don't remember anything major about any of them. They all kind of run together.

I found out more about 1 hour photo. It will close June 5th, and re-open June 18th. Yep, Target team members get their pics developed for free from the 12th-17th I think, so the new people can practice. That could be interesting.

Also, there is a GS meeting scheduled for the Sunday the 12th. What's it about? I have no idea. Kinda scares me a little because I have a feeling we are gonna get bitched out. I also have a feeling we might be training in new people too. Either way, it's gonna suck. I also saw some cashiers were scheduled to come in for the same time that we are meeting, so I wonder if we will be training. Yikes! I don't want anymore people up there. Stupid Lucy.

Well, today I work 2:30-8 in GS. Not so bad. At least I don't close.

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