Let's keep it going:
Deb came in from 5-9 on Saturday night so that helped some because it was busy. She hasn't been in GS for over a year, so I had to refresh her memory and tell her about things that have changed. It's kinda hard doing that because I'm so familiar with the current way of doing things and a lot has changed. Well, I still ended up finishing all of the Guest Service shit at 11pm, but I was kinda poking around because I didn't want to help the floor. I also did some stuff that technically didn't need to be done. What I did was clean the adboards in the front of the store because push pins were all up in them and there was dead bugs all over. So now I put all the push pins in the container, and just swept the bugs onto the floor for the cleaning crew to get. haha. We didn't end up leaving until 11:45pm because the store was a mess. And because Nancy and Kim were working. They don't do shit...ever. Nancy still had 3 carts of returns at 11:15 and wasn't even close to done zoning. And she's a fucking team lead that has been with Target for 25 years! Honestly, she should be the first one done. But, no she farms out all of her work onto the closers because she's too fucking lazy to do her job. It's total bullshit. And Kim needs to worry about herself. When she come up to GS she bitches when something doesn't belong in her cart. THEN PUT IT IN THE RIGHT CART! I'm not the only fucking person that puts shit away! I'm getting so fucking sick of her. I can understand if the item is continuously put in your cat, but when it happens once, let it fucking go. There is no need to freak out over little things.
We finally got our queue line at GS, but I don't know if I already told you. Oh well, you'll hear it again. Rich, the ETL-GS, lost the fucking sign that says "Line forms here." He then tried to blame it on GS, but I told him I never saw it at GS. Anywho, its only a line with one end that should have the sign and the other doesn't. Well because we don't have a sign, it's just a clear sign holder. But, stupid guests still formed 2 lines at each end of the line. So it was that much more difficult determining who was next. They better have that sign tonight, but probably not.
Sunday wasn't bad, but I had to work with Bridget. She is the most annoying person I know. Holy fucking god, her voice can cut tomatoes. I just wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up.
There was this one bitch though. She storms up to GS with an ad. Right away I knew this would suck. She pointed to the ad and said, "I want this, but there aren't any on the shelf. Why do you advertise anything when it's not in stock? I drove over an hour to come here! Do you know how much gas is these days!? This pisses me off!" I was just in shell-shock and couldn't say anything during her rant. So I was going to try to see if we had the item in the backroom, but the item she wanted was actually 2. So I said, "Which one do you want and..." She interrupted me, "What do you mean which one? It's not one item! That pisses me off even more!" Before I could say anything she stormed off. The thing is it just isn't OUR store's ad, it's every Target store's ad. So we can't cut that picture out of the ad if we don't have it. There are a lot of reasons why something may not be in stock, but it's out of the store's hands. All of our ordering is done through a computer by checking inventory levels. It doesn't involve anyone at the store level. Also, Target doesn't make the gas prices. Everyone had to pay for gas in order to come into the store, so bitching about it isn't getting you anywhere. You have a telephone, you could have called the store BEFORE you left to see if we had any and hold one for you. Some people.
Also, I absolutely HATE that DHL commercial where it asks 'whatever happened to customer service?' and it shows employees being rude to customers. Fuck that! Sure there are some "rude" employees, but it is because of CUSTOMERS that employees act this way. Shit, should I make a commercial that asks 'Whatever happened to good behavior, common sense, respect, etc.?' and show situations I've been in? This just adds fuel to the fire that employees are the bad guys and that customers are angels in everyway. That makes people treat employees like shit when they don't get their way because they assume we should bend over and take it in the ass just because *they* are shopping at our store. It's bullshit. Don't disrespect me because I will disrespect you right back. Employees are people too, and they shouldn't be treated as anything less.
Well, I'm sure to come across even more fun tonight at work. 4:30-close by myself as usual.

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