Friday, June 30, 2006

Oh My Dear Lord

Yesterday wasn't that bad, but there were just some grumpy-ass people.

This woman comes up to Guest Service asking where the nearest place that sells fireworks is. Well, they aren't in the city, so I give her a general direction as I don't know exactly what road it is on. She got pissed at me! She just said she'll go to a different one that is further away. Sorry! I'm not your fucking travel guide!

Then, Laura at the photo lab was going to go on her lunch so I was going to watch from Guest Service. The minute she walked away, the stupid Kodak picture makers printers ran out of ribbon. Well, it takes about 5 minutes to change both of them, so I was doing that. Then a billion people came up to GS and the photo lab, so I went over to GS to push the back-up button so more people would come up. Well, one bitch in line yelled, "Where the hell is he going?" I turned around and gave her the dirtiest look ever. What the fuck people!? Either you wait 20 minutes until I can help everyone, or shut the fuck up and let me call someone to help out. Christ!

Then there was this woman who wanted to return something with a receipt that expired in August 2005! Yeah, almost a year ago. And this lady was completely shocked that I couldn't do anything for her. 90 days, not 900.

Which brings me to today. Holy fucking shit! It was busier than a Saturday! I have no fucking idea why either. Well, I do. People that are hopefully leaving for the weekend came in today, and the Canadians are getting into town for their fucking long weekend. What country gives everyone the first Monday of every month off? Oh yeah, retard Canada. It wouldn't be so bad if they stayed in their own fucking country, but no they have to come here and mess EVERYTHING up. Fuck them!

Tomorrow will probably be worse because it is a Saturday, and I close Guest Service. I am really hoping the Canadians leave on Monday and don't ruin the 4th on Tuesday. MY HOLIDAY!

And what better place to spend Canada Day then the United States. Uh, shouldn't you stay home and celebrate? And what the fuck is Canada Day for anyway? Is it to celebrate how fucking dumb they are? Hell I'll drink to that!

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