Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Me + Cart Attending = Never Again

Well, yesterday was an interesting day to say the least.

I opened Guest Service and because Canadians have the first Monday of every month off, it was busy. But, the morning cart attendant didn't show up, so they had me do it at 12:30. So I learned how to use the cart machine, and it wasn't that bad. The only thing that sucked was that it was really busy and hard to keep up with all of the carts. I was on top of it in the beginning and then around 2 it was too busy to keep up with it. Then at 3:15 the cart pusher died, and all hell broke loose. It was SO busy and without the cart pusher, you can't push many carts in without losing all control of them. So I brought in about 5 at a time and it wasn't even enough to keep up with the amount of traffic. Then at 4, I was physically done. I was so out of energy that I needed to sit down for a half hour and that didn't even recharge me. I have so much respect for the cart attendants and hope that I never have to do it again.

But, I still had an asshole Canadian before I went and did that. A guy came up to Guest Service and asked to exchange some money. Well, as you all know, we don't but they can use the paper money at the tills. He flipped. He said, "You know, I'm finding it harder and harder to spend my money down here. Best Buy won't even take Canadian money, and other places don't exchange it! Do you know where I can exchange my money around here?" I told him he could go to a bank, and he interrrupted me yelling, "I don't live here! I don't know where any banks are!" So I told them there were a few around the mall a half block away and they left. Here's my thing: Why are you so upset that places don't take/exchange your money? We don't have to because it's not our currency! This is the United Fucking States of America and the only legal tender is the US dollar. Secondly, there are plenty of banks in town! Just because you don't know where one is isn't an excuse. We have 5 major roads in our city that you can use to get anywhere and there is multiple banks on every road. I hope the Canadians have went home because this OUR holiday and I hope I can enjoy it.

And about this cart attending: THE CARTS ARE NOT GARBAGE CANS! Fuck everyone that throws their trash into carts. It's rude! Also, put your carts in the damn cart corrals! That'e what they are there for! And don't get do fucking impatient when I block the pathway for a brief second. You had a cart when you shopped, how the fuck do you think they get in the store!? Just be patient, it will only take me a minute at most. Also, when I'm moving carts, don't jaunt out in front of me. It's harder to stop hundreds of pounds of carts than it is for you to wait your fucking turn. And I'm done with my rant.

Today I work 4-close in Guest Service and it's usually dead after 6 because everyone thinks we're closed. Hopefully I can get out in time to go downtown and watch the fireworks, but I doubt it because it's Target and it will be a cold day in hell before they let us out before 11.

Here's hoping the Canadians are gone!

Happy 230th Birthday USA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was a cart attendant for awhile. It's underappreciated, that's for sure. I got strong though. :D