Friday, December 31, 2004

Random Update

So I worked Guest Service on Tuesday CLOSING! Oh my! It was SUCH a mess! I had no time to do anything because Angela left at 8 and I was pretty much busy the whole fucking time. Ahh it sucked! There was this one asshole who wanted to pay on his Target card. I ask him how much he wants to pay on it, and he said all of it. I tell him nothing shows up on our screen and he got pissed at me like I was lying. So I told him he could call the number on the back of his card and they would tell him. He told me to do it, and I said I couldn't because they need the cardholder to do it. He never called and so he told me the amount, and handed me a giftcard. I told him he can't pay on his credit card with a giftcard, so he asked what could he pay with. I say cash, check, or debit, and he hands me a fucking credit card. I tell him no again, and he was pissed. So he tells me the amount he wants to pay, and gives me his debit card. Our computers are retarded where you have to run it through twice to actually get it to process. It only charges once though because the first time the computer doesn't recognize it for some dumb reason. Anyway, after I process it once, he wants to change the amount he's paying. So I had to void that and do it again. So after the second time of running his card through he gets pissy and asks me how many more times he has to do this. I told him it will work on this try, and it did. God that guy was an asshole.

Then, stupid me picked up a shift on Wednesday cashiering, but Maggie said if I took it, she would make me a breaker. God I hate cashiering, but the day wasn't that bad. Now that I think about it, I was probably the person that has been working the longest there that day. Kinda weird, I was there before everyone else. And I've only been there 2 years, so that just goes to show the high turnover rate at RETARDget.

Well, I don't work until Tuesday, so that's good. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'll post sometime next year...haha so stupid.

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