Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Cashiering Tonight

Well, I don't fucking work in Guest Service until NEXT Saturday! What the fuck!? So I'll enjoy cashiering until then. (Fuckin' asswipes) And I open that Saturday, which will suck even more. But I am going to be off this Friday and Saturday to booze it up to (hopefully) erase my memories of how Target is fucking everyone up the back door. Augh! I fucking HATE cashiering, and the new schedule comes out tomorrow so I can only imagine how fucked over I'm gonna get. I'm so fucking sick of their shit!

What the fuck ever, I'll be back to tell you guys how it went. I forsee it not going good.

AUGH! I'm so frustated! Shit Fuck Hell Damn Shit Fuck Shit Fuck!

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