Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Jesus Fucking Christ

Today really fucking sucked! I cashiered for 7.5 hours. God damn I was sick of it after 20 minutes. And it wasn't busy so the night seemed SO much longer. Holy shit!

Well, anyway guests were just that guests, when don't they suck? But I didn't have anyone too bad. I was not in the mood. Well Krista walked by as I was putting away some chips and she said, "You can't be eating at the lanes." She was joking of course, so I jokingly said back, "The only thing I need is lots of pills." Then she came over later and I was bitching about cashiering and she was saying that I was in GS a lot, and so cashiering once in a while isn't bad. But, YES IT IS. I seriously cannot stand it. I hate just standing in one fucking place ringing shit through, and saying the exact things over and over again. I can only say, "Hi, did you find everything alright?" "The total is..." and "Thank you and have an nice day." FUCK! I can't stand cashiering!

And then you have Angela working in Guest Service. She was just fucking standing there all night long! Holy Fuckamoly! From what I saw, it didn't look like she even started to close down GS. And this was at 9:30! I'm usually done with major stuff and just waiting for the store to close, but no she was just fucking standing there.

I have tomorrow off, but work Fri-Sat-Sun. Christ! Tomorrow better be fucking NICE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO....I'm a cashier at Target and its sooooooooo boring lol. Do u wanna apply for the red card and save 10%? I can totally relate to ur posts. At least I'm not the only one to feel that way!