Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Holy Fuck!

Well today REALLY sucked. Yet another day of cashiering. I was on lane 25, but there weren't many TMs there so we were really busy. And to top it all off, we got 2 fucking busloads of rude-ass Canadians. Fuck, I hate them.

Well, my day started and about 30 minutes into my shift, I get a big order. Heather decides to help me bag. Well, as I was ringing things up, right in the middle of the transaction, Heather asked if he wanted to sign up for a Target card. He said YES. I was going to fucking ask him at the END of the transaction, like NORMAL people do. So anyway, she got a card and I got pissed. If you are bagging for someone, you should at least give the cashier a CHANCE to ask before you do. It was totally disrespectful, and she didn't get a thanks. Fuck her!

Cashiering is boring, plain and simple. I honestly could not tell you what I did today. I did it all subconsciously, and I probably looked like a pissed off robot. I have listened to people, and by the time they were done talking, I already wasn't paying attention. Whoops.

Ok, this Canadian guy (I FUCKING HATE CANADIANS!!!) comes up to my lane after I shut my light off. He rudely asks me, "Can't you ring just this one thing up!? It's just one thing!" I wasn't going to because then the people who I already turned away would think they could come back, and use this guy as an excuse. Well, I look around and no one is really heading my way so I decide to just do it. Looking back I wouldn't have. This jerkoff was a complete asshole when I rang him up. Look buddy, I'm doing you the fucking favor here, so at least you can show some fucking thanks! He was pissed because he probably thought he was the exception to the rule (all Canadians do) and they treat the Americans like shit. You know what Canada? Stay in your own fucking country for once, I know it sucks up there, but stay put.

I took Phyllis's shift for next Saturday. I wasn't scheduled, and don't have much of a life, so why not make some bucks? Well anyway, it's in GS so it's not too bad. It's closing on a Saturday. Umm...that's the only bad part.

Becky is back from her injuries, and Tyan is back from falling off the face of the earth. Weird. We were just talking about her the other day, only thing is now she cashiers. That would be enough for me to quit.

Next time I work, it's on Saturday, and I open Guest Service. Wow. That is gonna be fun...ok maybe not. It's so boring in the day, but hey it's better than closing. Amen to that. (I thought I would add that to make it seem like I...What the fuck!? Just ignore me.)

Oh yeah, when I got to work, I went to see what lane I was on, and I noticed my break wasn't written down. So as I was writing it, Karen walks in. (Just fucking great, I know) She asks bitchily (new word?) "What are you doing?" I told her I was writing my break down. "Why!?" Umm...because it wasn't written down dipshit! "Well, you don't get a break. Ha-ha. I'm just kidding. I must've missed it." Now it may seem like she was joking, but the way she said it, it sounded like she had it pre-written out, and was reading off a script. And it was very robot-like, that's maybe why Target likes her. Target likes robots. If you stand up to one of them, they will plow you down. You need to be a doormat for the power-hungry people that are in charge. If you're not a doormat, bye! Being a doormat is just one component of turning humans into robots. More robot talk in another post, perhaps where it makes more sense, if any.

Ahh, a few days off...What will I do? Oh yes, NOT WORK! Woo Hoo! Well, I don't know what to write. Haha, and yet I'm still typing.

This weekend is all GS for me! Yes! Finally! It's been almost two fucking weeks since I've been up there! Two fucking weeks!? And I'm still employed? By Target? Wow. I must've been in a damn good mood. Well I wasn't, according to my posts. It is amazing though, going 2 weeks without working up in GS. Let's not have that happen again, OK?

Now that everyone thinks I'm out of my mind, I am. Haha! betcha didn't see that one coming! You have to be out of your mind to work in retail.

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