Monday, February 28, 2005


To address anonymous's comment:

Guest Service is FUN! It's a little nerve-racking at first because you're not used to telling people no. I had to ask a lot of questions when I was up there, to make sure I knew what I was doing. Just don't let guests ruin your day. Sure some will, but most are just laughable. I wasn't "officially" trained up there either, when I was supposed to be training, the GSTL kept pulling me out to do backups on the lanes. Then a GSTM called in sick, so they put ME over there, and I wasn't fully trained and didn't know how to do anything. So that was fun.

Yes, I also hate when people tell you, "oh I want this and that in one bag, then this in another..." DO IT YOURSELF THEN! I also hate people that hover their clothes above the belt because they don't want it "to get dirty". Yeah, ok, since we just had a mud wrestling match on the conveyor belt...Fucking idiots!

We didn't have any 'bagging' videos at my store. We just kinda learned common sense things. And 30 hours training...Whoa! We trained for about 2-3 hours and the stuck us on a lane with someone else.

I love people that assume you don't know what you are doing. Umm...Sorry, I've been with this company for a while now, and I'm pretty sure I know how it runs. Fuckfaces!

Oh, and I forgot to tell all y'alls that the 'radar detector guy' aka 'guy who thinks he owns the place' came thru my lane on Sunday. Yeah, he was bitching that the doormat that he was buying looked used already. I just stared at him and continued with his transaction. He also likes to say things under his breath, but I just ignored him and he looked surprised when I was still smiling when he left my lane. Oh, and he picked MY lane to go thru. He waited in my lane while other lanes were empty. I was like, "Oh just fucking great! What the fuck is he going to do today!?" My god, he is such an asshole. Everytime I see him I want to strangle him.

I'm SO sick of cashiering. For the last 4 shifts, I've cashiered, AND have been on the green side: lanes 31,24,26,26. Thanks bitches! There will be hell to pay if I'm on the greenside again on Wednesday. I will freak out on the head cashier. I'm in severe Guest Service withdrawal. I haven't been up there since last Sunday, and we've got new stuff, and of course I'm going to be the last to know about it.

Schedules for spring break are out on Thursday. Great. Wanna know where I'm going? Well, of course I'm going to be working for the entire week. And I better get more than one fucking GS shift. My god, I'm so sick of not getting hours up there, it really fucking pisses me off.

And if anyone knows how to set up links on this blog site please tell me. I've tried following their instructions, but they didn't work. That way I could have links to the sites of people who comment here. If you don't have a blog...Start one! I'll be the first to visit.

Well, this has gotten longer than I'd originally intended. Oh well, never hurts to read. I work Wednesday cashiering so I'll probably be back here bitching sometime after that, or again to respond to another comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Guest Services wasn't too bad. It was okay, there was one lady that was buying her 3rd microwave of the SAME model because she liked the size of it...this is after she returned the first (because it burned her popcorn...operator error?) and the second because it "would't stop."

By the way, that bagging video wasn't from Target. It was at another chain retailer that's located only on the Left Coast.