Oh my fucking God, that was one of the worst nights I've had in a long time. SO many things pissed me off today, so this will probably be a bit long.
Here goes: As for guests, there was only this one MAJOR bitch. Oh my fucking God. OK, so here's the back story. She wants to return 4 things: a comforter thing, a curtain, and 2 pillows. The prices for each was 40.49, 22.49, and 13.49 for each pillow. So before I even get there, she had come up to GS and they told her to get item for item for equal or greater value. OK, enter me. She comes back up and tells me she's exchanging. But she doesn't even take the shit out of her cart. So, I tell her to put them on the counter so I can scan them. (It only makes sense.) She gives me this fucking dirty look. I am done being nice to her. So I didn't know she was already up there and they told her what to get. The department number on the shit she has was for Hardware, but it was in Domestics. There is some kids bedding in Hardware and that's what I thought this was, so I tell them their exchanges have to be in Hardware. They both freak out (it was a couple) and Sara told me that the stuff was actually in Domestics. I can admit I was wrong. Then, they start making fun of me asking each other if they want to do the exchange over there, and they started laughing. They looked at me like I should be laughing, and I give them this straight face. It pissed me off. So, then I tell them they have to do item for item in Domestics for each price or greater. They already have some shit with them. Everything was fine except for the 40.49 item, they wanted a 19.99 and 29.99 item to cover it. Normally I would let this slide because I try to be nice, but these people were rude AND Canadian, so there was no fucking way. So I tell them that it HAS to be 1 item for 40.49 or greater from Domestics. They put on this shit story of how there was nothing there that they wanted. Too damn bad! They continue bitching about how they will have to pay more anyway, and I continue to tell them that it wasn't possible. They want to speak with someone else, and so I call for an LOD, but Tara (a GSTL) came up. She re-explained what I said, and they still bitched. I wish I could videotape these things because it's hard to remember everything that happened. Well, they bitched that they were Canadian and don't get down here often, and how they have never heard of such a return policy. Then, they wanted someone higher than Tara. SO we get Blake, the head fucking honcho of our store, and he again tells them that what we have said was correct and we had no way to override it. The woman says, "I want you to at least try." She says this the the fucking store manager! He got pissed, and told her that it wouldn't work no matter what. They still bitch about how they don't want the more expensive sheets because they will not match. Yet the cheaper ones were the same color. Uh-huh OK bitch. So they FINALLY decide to go with the more expensive sheets. So I do the exchange for that item. I do each one separately, like we are technically supposed to. I more so do it so we burn up all her returns without receipts for the year. Haha, oh darn. Well, she wanted a 12.99 item for the 13.49 item. As long as the guest is fine with losing the difference, we can change down the price. So I ask her if that's what she wants. She bitches about how we can change down a price, and not do 2 items for 1. I tell her I'm doing her a favor by changing the price down. Otherwise she would have to walk her ass back to Domestics and pick out an item for 13.49 or greater. I of course tell her this. She shuts up and I finish her shit. She also asked that if the stuff she got didn't match or whatever, if she could return it. We told her she would have to exchange it like she did within the 90 days. She then says she won't be back in 90 days. They just might be stuck with it if it clearanced out or whatever. DON'T BUY SHIT IF AREN'T GOING TO BE BACK TO RETURN IT WITHIN THE TIME FRAME!!!!!! They finally leave and Tara gave me a Great Team Card for 'sticking to policy.' I could've used a shot of hard liquor.
We got plenty of Canadians asking if we exchanged money. We never have. Then they ask where they can exchange it. I'm not a fucking tourism guide. I tell them at a bank, then they bitch that they are all closed. That's when I shrug my shoulders and give them my 'I don't give a shit' look. Catch me in a bad mood, and I will tell them to exchange it before they come down here. WHY doesn't that thought cross their minds? Oh yeah, because they are all slobbering idiots with the brainpower of a retarded screw.
That so far isn't even the beginning of this truly shitty day. Sara gives Tara her lunch at 6, and I think this is fine because I wanted my lunch at 6:30. Well, a little after 6:30 Sara calls me and tells me she's going on her lunch and then giving the operator her lunch. Great. So I went on lunch at 7:45, over 3 hours after I get there without a break or anything. So I get back at 8:15, and Sara has to give Tara her break. So, when she was done with that, I went on my last break at 8:45. Yeah, 30 minutes after I got back from my lunch. So I get back at 9 and that's when Sara leaves. I don't blame Sara for any of this, it just didn't work out for me. We couldn't do defectives, put ads in kiosks, or get the ad binders from the lanes. Now it would have to be done after closing. More on that later.
So at 9:30 I do my usual spiel where I tell everyone to bring up their abandoned before 10 so it can get out on the floor. Not even a breath after I finish, Kim gets on the walkie and says no one will do it because they are taking down the ad signs. Whatever. Then I say, there is full carts for so and so departments, and again Kim gets on the walkie and says no one will come get them because they are taking down ad. You really didn't need to cut me down over the walkie. That really pissed me off for the rest of the night and I wasn't being nice to anyone. Well, Natalie from the salesfloor comes up and jokingly says that I should know better than to call for returns on ad-takedown night. Wrong thing to say bitch. I don't give a shit if you are joking. So I told her, "Well, then I don't want anyone bitching that they have to keep coming up here to get returns."
So hell on earth aka the store finally closes. People just drop their shit off at GS. They just leave the cartfulls and throw other shit on the counters. I decided I wasn't going to bust my ass sorting it at that time and when they came up for their returns, they could do it themselves. I was only concerned about me at that point. So I get the ad binders from the lanes. I get back the carts are still there. I'm not touching them until I'm ready. So I bring back TIPS and defectives. On my way back, a SFTM asks what the carts were. I told her they were abandoned. Also, Nancy, the worthless TL that does nothing all night, comes and talks to me. She says she likes my spiel at the end of the night, but I shouldn't do it on Saturday nights. Spare me, I've already got bitched out once thank you very much. So when I finally get back up there, there was 2 carts of stuff, and shit ALL OVER the counter. My store is full of a bunch of lazy asses. If you have 2 things, get your ass back here and put it in the carts yourself. So I sort that and I don't call for people to get their shit. I don't really care at this point. So I go drop the ads off at the kiosks around the store. More shit to sort was waiting for me, as well as a half cart of defective stuff. It'll have to be done tomorrow, my computer is closed down. I put it all in the SDEF bin and hope the openers tomorrow will do it. So I start doing the ad binders for the lanes. We take out the old ad and put in the new one so each checklane has one. Well, Kim comes up and she bitches and bitches about how we at GS always put stuff in the wrong cart. She wants Roberta to come up with something so that we can 'get it right'. All within earshot of me. Kim wants us to scan each item with a PDT to see what aisle it's in, and then put it in the corresponding cart. This might work except for the fact that it's constantly fucking busy at Guest Service. Work a fucking month in GS to see how tough it is to keep up with everything. I bet you would be begging to go back to Toys. Fucking pigass. So after that, I put the binder back on their lanes, and go put the ad up in the entryways of the store. This takes some time because you have to thumbtack each fucking page in. I also cleaned the glass that covers it, which hasn't been cleaned since let's say 1954. I finally finish with everything GS related around 11:15. Yeah, holy shit. It has never taken me that long to finish GS EVER. It would've been a lot shorter if we did some of that ad shit before Sara left. We punched out at 11:30. We made almost $250,000 and how much will I see of it? Not even $50. Pathetic isn't it? That's why I can't wait until I'm in my actual career. I'll make more than these stupid people running this shitbin.
On a lighter note, Bridget is a moron. A guest asked if we had a "feeding room" where she could breastfeed her baby. The kicker? Bridget turns to Sara and asks her. UH NO! What the fuck!!? You fucking work here and don't know that we don't have a feeding room? DUMBASS! The real question is, why is the woman asking? Is there places with so-called feeding rooms?
I forgot, the other night a guy came up to GS looking for another exit. He wanted to sneak up behind his friend at the car, so he wanted to go out the TM door. I looked at him like he was retarded. I told him we have 2 guest doors and that's all that he could use. Idiot!
Then there was this woman who was yelling, "GUEST SERVICE! GUEST SERVICE!" as she was walking up from about 20 feet away. I also looked at her like she was retarded. Who does that!?
I also had a couple who wanted to know how to buy something with a registry. "When we buy it, will it automatically come off the registry or do we have to do something?" Do you listen to what comes out of your mouth? Do you actually think our computers can read your fucking mind and take what you are buying off some registry? Give the damn sheet to the cashier, and they will take it off you stupid list. This thought must be common because when people return gifts, they never have gift receipts.
And tomorrow I get to do it all over again. Fucking Bridget and Ashton open tomorrow. Great for me because they don't know what the fuck they are doing, and Bridget is just all around annoying. I don't think she can say know to people. Whenever she gets into a position where she has to say no to someone, she always passes it off onto others, to possibly take the blame away from her. I think she figures the guest won't argue with her but the person who told her no. You can't be like that at GS. You have to be firm or the guest will just try to intimidate you, and make you want to do it their way. The ball is always in the employees court, and it needs to stay there. Once you don't sound sure of yourself, guests will read into this and assume you don't know what you are doing. Sara said she was going to talk to Maggie about getting her out of GS. Haha! Sara and I were also pissed that Ashton never has to close and get every other weekend off. That's not fair at all. Not when I fucking close every fucking night I work. I may have to have a conversation myself about everything that's bugging me. Huh, it would take hours, if not days. I left a bunch of things to do for Ashton and Bridget if they have any down time. When I got there, the defectives weren't done and the SDEF bin wasn't done either. I don't know if they haven't been trained in properly or what, but oh my fucking God people. I don't care if anyone thinks I shouldn't be telling them what to do, get over it. I fucking carry GS, so I don't appreciate when people don't work as hard as I do. What pisses me off the most is when you're not doing something if you're not helping a guest. There is always something to do. Yes, there are definitely times where there is truly nothing to do and that's fine, but most of the time you can be doing other things. Especially when they should be done before I get there.
Ok, I'm getting to the point where I can barely type correctly and it took me about 2 hours to write this bitch. Yeah, it may say 12:24, but that's when I started it. It's 2:22 now and I'm ending it. Peace out!