I didn't have any all that bad guests. There was this one woman who just dropped her bag on the counter, and turned to talk with the person behind her. OK, I'm not a fucking robot. So, really loud I ask, "Is there anything wrong with it?" I just do it to make her stop talking. She turns around and says no, then goes back to talking. So then I'm done with the return and say she'll be getting so and so back in cash. I usually wait for approval from the guest because I have had some freak outs. Well, she keeps on blabbing so I just cash it out, and she hears my register open, THEN turns around. What a ho.
There are so many Canadians down this weekend and it really sucks. Every other person is asking if we exchange money. NO! But you can use is to make a purchase. After we explain that, they ask, "So we can't do a straight exchange?" WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY!? NO!!!!!!! Jesus Christ, exchange your money BEFORE you come down here DUMBASS! Don't expect us to cater to your every need.
Some kids and the "security guard" a.k.a. AP for all you Target folk got into an argument. Well, one kid took a motorized cart, and so Danelle (that was her name) asked him if he really needed to be on it. Apparently his knee hurt. Yeah, ok whatever. So she told them that if the horsed around with it, she'd be back and tell them to get off it. Well, apparently some TMs saw them and they were running into stuff. That pissed her off, so she went and found them and told them to leave. Haha! I think that's hilarious.
I had some woman call me at GS to see if someone was registered at Target. Do you not have a computer!? So I check and they are registered, and then she asks how to get the list when she comes in. Duh, I dunno. I tell her to come up by GS, and the kiosks are right on the side. Then, look up who you want, and print it out.
So yeah, I get to close tonight too, and Sunday. So there goes my weekend. Sara was supposed to open today with Bridget, but she switched to 2-9 to help me. We were both relieved because we didn't want to work with Bridget. They were trying to get Bridget to work the 2-9, but she said she couldn't. THANK GOD. Now I get to work with Sara and this should be a fun night. The weekend bring out the worst in people, and I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories.

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