Then there was this Canadian bitch that I argued with. Her friend came up and asked if we exchanged money. I tell her we don't, but she can use the paper money at the tills. Then she asks about Canadians checks. I tell her we can as long as they write 'payable in US funds' on the check. Well, the rude bitch butts in and asks about Canadian travelers checks. I tell her we can't because they aren't in US funds. I guess that was the wrong thing to say because she flies off the handle asking why we can't. I can't even get a word out because she won't shut up to listen to me. Then she walks over to the wall with our adjustment/holiday merchandise policies, and asked where it said she couldn't use them. I told her there was no sign, but she was already leaving. What the fuck? We don't take Canadians travelers checks because we are in the United fucking States. The only currency we HAVE to collect is US currency. No where does it say that one country has to take the currency of another. We take Canadian cash/checks as a COURTESY to Canadians. We sure as fuck don't have to. A lesson? Exchange your money BEFORE you go to another country, and if you can't, don't expect them to be able to take it. Jesus fucking Christ. Stupid idiots.
Some days I just want to argue with people. I love it. That's so mean to say, but I only argue with the people who cop a 'tude. Yeah, you're not going to get away with treating me like shit, sorry. And it's not like they can complain about me because they were being rude first, and my rudeness back is justifed to an extent.
The next time I work is tomorrow from 3-close at GS. Funny part is that Donna leaves at 3 and there is no other person. So, no other person + no overlap = crappy. I won't have a chance to bring back defectives so instead of have half a day's defectives to bring back at the end of the night, it will be a whole day's crap. Just fucking great. I'm sick of closing. At least I don't close for a week after Wednesday. It should be fun...right.

1 comment:
Marketing Podcast Launched
The two are already very vocal in marketing circles with Jaffe publishing the Jaffe Juice weblog and Rubel publishing the Micropersuasion weblog.
excellent blog, don't stop
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