Well, my Sunday shift was a doosie. EVERYONE was a crabass, it really sucked. There is only so much bitching out you can take in one day. It died around 5 pm so I didn't lose my entire sanity. I worked with Ashton and Heidi, so it was fun. I did about $3000 worth of returns on Sunday, and it's funny because our store only did about $5000 total.
There were some rude ass guests:
This lady comes up with about 4 clothing items. One had a receipt, 2 had gift receipts, and one didn't have a receipt at all. The item with a receipt was a blazer, and the tag was cut off. Now we haven't had blazers for too long at Target so I matched the tag with the tag inside the blazer. The woman freaked out on me saying, "Why are you doing that!? Do you think I'm trying to scam you!?" I told her no but she kept on going with it adding, "I can't believe you fucking people." Now normally I would have been so terribly rude to her, but for some reason I wanted to be overly nice to piss her off. So I do that return and then do the ones with the gift receipts. As you all know gift receipts give giftcards back as a return. She freaked out again because she wanted her card credited. So I told her with gift receipts it gives a giftcard back, and if she paid with a credit card, I could look up her receipt. So I did that. Then also I for her no receipt, I was starting to cringe because I didn't want her to freak out even more because of our No-receipt return policy, but thankfully the item was under $10 so I could just put it on the giftcard. She ended up leaving with a good attitude, and thanked me for my help.
Then there was this woman with this Back to College chair that was defective. She didn't have her receipt, or any packaging, but insisted she paid with her Target Visa. So I tell her that without any numbers for the chair, that I couldn't do anything because there is no way to get it into our system. We no longer carry the chair so there was no way to actually get numbers for it. She pitched a fit yelling at me asking if I kept the packaging for furniture that I bought a few months ago. Of course I don't but I don't expect the company to do anything for me when they NEED it. So I called up Roberta and that was a mistake because she is a total dumbfuck. Well, she ran off somewhere to get numbers and eventually she came back with a number, but it didn't find it on her card. So I don't know what they did but they had AP attempt to look it up, but they couldn't find anything. So she ended up taking her chair and going home, but she thanked us for trying to help her.
And it didn't happen this Sunday, but sometime this past weekend: Some Canadian was irate about something so the LOD (Rich) was talking to him and he called Rich a stupid fucking American. Funny thing is that Rich is Canadian. Haha! What a stupid fucking Canadian!
So it was fun working with Ashton and Heidi, and Ashton said that Heidi and I were her favorite GS people to work with. We were laughing pretty much the whole time except for helping the stupid guests. When Tara left, she always says, "Bye kids!" to GS, and I usually reply, "Bye mom!" Ashton thought that was the funniest thing ever and laughed for about 10 minutes. Sara, Heidi, and I have this inside joke running that we are the A-squad of GS (because we know what we are doing, and aren't lazy) and everyone else is the B-squad. I'm inventing the C-squad for Donna and Kari because they don't do SHIT. Ever.

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