Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pissed Off

So I get to work yesterday, I go check my clip to see who I'm training. Nothing there. Ok, so I go check the break closet and Heidi and I were crossed out but Phyllis was training. I ask the head cashier and it got moved to today. That sucks because I was worried about training the whole fucking day and then when I get there they say nope tomorrow. So that kinda pissed me off. I'm not really worried anymore because I could care less. And because I know more about training than I did yesterday.

Well, the very first person I helped was the biggest bitch in the world. She was returning a box of that Choxie chocolate crap. Well, it was $12. I ask her how she paid for it and she said cash. Great. I then tell her she has to exchange it for 1 item in the Candy department for equal or greater value. She said, "Where is that written!? Where does it say I have to exchange it in the same department!?" I tell her it's not written anywhere, but it our policy without a receipt. She keeps asking where it is written and at that point I just snapped. I told her, "If you want to go by what is written, then I am going to need a receipt!" She says, "No, because I've been in here before without a receipt and they gave me cash back or a giftcard." I told her that was only if the item was under $10. Well, I was being extremely rude with her because she was being a bitch, and she asked for my supervisor. Gladly. Well, Rich comes up and he asks her how she paid for it. Guess what she said, "It's probably on my credit card." WHAT THE FUCK!? Had you said that the first time I asked you, we wouldn't be in this fucking mess! I was hoping it wouldn't show up on the card, but it did, and the bitch thought she was getting past policy and acted all high and mighty. I seriously want to kill her, or at least beat some sense into her. Looking back, I should have just said, "If you want to go by what is written, then I will need a receipt to do the return. Thank you, have a nice day. Can I help who's next?" If she said anything more, I should have said, "The employee that helped you previously was trying to help you out, I'm not trying because of your attitude. Until you can show me some respect, then you can either leave or wait for someone else to help you." One of these days that will be said. People were just all around pissy today.

I was crabby until someone applied for a Target card. She called in earlier and asked me if she was approved if she would get a temporary card that could be used right away. I told her yes, and hoped she came in tonight to apply for one. Well, about 30 minutes later she came in and I was delighted.

So today I'm scheduled 2-8 in GS, but I go to train at 6 and have to stay until we're done, like around 9 or so. I really don't care if I stay later, I don't have class tomorrow. It kinda sucks for Emily though because she's newer at GS, but still knows waht she's doing for the most part. There is going to be 3 trainers, me, Phyllis, and Amanda. Me and Amanda have never trained before so they are putting Phyllis in between us so if we have any questions we can ask her. I'm just worried about not doing things quickly enough and getting done after everyone else. Oh well, can't worry about it until it happens. Each trainer gets 3 trainees, and tonight they are all going to be cashiers, so they need detailed training. It should be a piece of cake, and I just hope to make it somewhat interesting so they will learn better.

I've been saying for quite some time now that this weekend will suck because Canadians have Friday off for Remembrance day. Last year was ungodly, and because the exchange rate sucks, they will be down here in boatloads. I'll get the grenades ready. LOL. I'm sure tonight and tomorrow will be really busy at GS, and we'll have to deal with assholes over 90 days because they don't get down here often and that's all my fault. Saturday and Sunday will be busy for the front lanes, and kinda busy at GS. I'm not looking forward to it at all. It also doesn't help that I work the whole weekend. Tonight: 2-~9 GS and training, Fri: 2-9 GS, Sat: 11:15-7:45 cashiering (ick), and Sun: 12-8 GS. So that leaves pretty much NO time to do anything school related. Fun fun fun.

Official BLACK FRIDAY Countdown: 15 Days!

Oh yeah, the schedule comes out today for the week of Thanksgiving. Should be interesting! That Sunday we start closing at 11pm. Ick!

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