Thursday, February 17, 2005

From Pointless To Non-Pointless

Did I just make a new word? Nonpointless? Ahh who cares.

So, Becky never showed up. So I was the only one there after Heidi left at 7. It didn't matter though because it was SO BORING! There was hardly anyone in the store...yet again.

There was this one crabby pig bitch that came up to the desk, and said, "I bought stuff for my bathroom 5 days ago, and now it's all clearance. Can I get an adjustment?" Well, we only do adjustments on SALE prices within 14 days of the receipt. Not clearance. So I told her this, and damn she got pissed. She told me to just do it, and after I realized she wasn't filming for a Nike commercial, I told her no. She then asked if she could return everything and buy it back. I told her she could. And she left mumbling that she was going to do that and that would be the last time she'd ever come to Target. Well, I left out a major detail...on purpose. When she returns those items, we will have to put them back onto the floor before she has a chance to rebuy them. And we don't put the stuff out right away, we wait for the cart to fill up. As you can see, this pisses people off, and that's why I love it. Haha!

The funniest thing today was this teenage guy returning this pair of ugly gold high heels. I didn't even want to ask.

Oh god, it was so boring. And there was nothing to do. So I just stared into space for most of my shift. Guests, except for Piggy mentioned above, were relatively decent.

Once I got into the parking lot when I was getting to work, I saw a Canadian bus...AUGH! Good thing it was leaving. I almost gave them the American 'bird'.

But before that, I was at home and Target calls me. I answer and the operator asks if I can come in ASAP to work GS. It was 5:15 and I worked at 6:30, so I said sure, I'd be there soon. Looks like they caught me when my social life was taking a day off. Because this never happens. Riiiiiight, ok nerd.

Well, tomorrow I cashier 2-6. Wow! Thanks for wasting a big 4 hours of my afternoon! (Not like I'd be doing anything else.) Well at least it's 4 hours and not 10 million like fucking usual. 4 hours feels like nothing on a good day. It seems like you punch in, say hi to everyone, say bye to everyone, and leave.

Well thanks for the comments, and thanks for reading. If it weren't for you guys, I'd seem like a basket case. (Not that I don't already.) Haha! Well, be back later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I work at Target (cashier; Ive commented before) and closed the last 3 nights. I was scheduled until 11 but we all got out at 10:45, 10:30, and 10:45. That made me so happy! What didn't make me happy though was having to "walk the floor" with the RedCard applications. That has got to be the worst thing to do at Target. It just makes people mad at you and its totally obvious that you want their money.

The Target I work at doesn't get a lot of rude Canadians, so I can't relate. We do have a ton of rude Americans though, and we do get a ton of people from all over, though. One guest said "it's like the United Nations in here." I've had guests from Palestine, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Brazil, Uruguay, Czech Republic, Mexico, Canada (your fav!), Israel, Pakistan, etc .... Then there are the team members, which are also from all over. At least theres a lot of variety.

I thought they were phasing out that damn One Spot, because it was all on clearance and they had seasonal stuff in that cartwell, but NO! It has (unfotunately)returned.