Well, I get to open today in GS. Yeah for me! Anyways, I'm already crabby because of the asses I helped yesterday.
Ok, so this woman comes up with a Larry the Cable Guy OPEN CD. She says it's so bad and was offended by it. I tell her that because of the FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW that she could only exchange it for the exact same thing. I realized she didn't want to do this, but that's all I'm available to do. So she freaks out, and tells me to just keep the CD, and as she was walking away, she tells me, "This has nothing to do with you, but if I bought this at Wal-mart, they would let me return it." And she walked away. Um, no they wouldn't you dumb bitch. I almost wanted to throw the CD at her and tell her to try it at Wal-mart. And if she was familar enough to buy the damn thing, she should know that he isn't the spitting image of politcal correctness. So, to make sure she couldn't get her CD if she came back, we threw it in the garbage and then threw the garbage in our compactor. Haha!
Then, some other bitch called GS, and was fuming at me because she couldn't get Target.com to work for her. Because I control Target.com. Uh-huh. Well, I try to help her and along the way she is just nasty on the phone. "Is there any way the store can order what I want so I can save on these damn shipping charges?" She wanted a changing table type thing. I tell her no, that the store doesn't do any special ordering. And before I could finish she snapped, "Well then how do you get the cribs and stuff that's shown in the Infants section?" I told her all of the big stuff like that is in our stockroom, and all she has to do is ask a TM, and we can go get one for her. Well, now she had to continue bitching about Target.com. So I go through the same motions as she tells me, and it's taking a while because I have to run back and forth from the kiosk to the phone, and I could tell she was getting irritated. Well finally I get to where she is, and it says the item will be available in 4-8 weeks and that's why she couldn't add it to her cart. I tell her that they probably didn't put the 'add to cart' button on there because they don't have it in stock, and don't want to keep customers waiting for something that might not even come in. Well of course this was the wrong answer, and she told me to give her the Target.com number so she could see if that really was the reason. Whatever bitch. Melissa and I were joking after that call saying I should have said this, "Ok, the number is 1-800(hang up)" Haha! That would be too funny. Just our luck she would call back. The thing is if there were an 'add to cart' button, she would get so pissed that it was taking forever that she would cancel the order and still bitch. It's a bitch-bitch situation. Some people just have to bitch about everything, even when you're doing them a fucking favor.
Then there was another woman that came up to GS with a vacuum. She wants to put it on layaway. I tell her we don't have layaway, and she gets all snappy, and asks, "When did that start!?" So being an ass to people that deserve it, I told her, "We never have." And she stormed off pissed. Oh well. I don't think Target ever did layaway, at least not during the almost 3 years that I've been there.
And people were just all around pissing me off, like:
-Setting their shit at the computer next to me when I'm clearly wide open at the one I'm standing at
-People holding their receipt while I need to scan it. I don't need to know where it is on the receipt to return it! -Interrupting me

And so they only have 3 people on for the whole day today at GS, and only 2 head cashiers. That will be interesting because it's probably going to be real fucking busy with back to school shopping and the fucking Canadians. Oh Christ! Well I better get going...
But before I do, here's the button of the day: