So she has a boombox and no receipt because she got it as a gift. Great. So I tell her she has to exchange it for one item in Electronics for $24.99 or more. She of course freaks out and says she's moving and doesn't want to pack this item. She just wants a giftcard. Not possible. So I tell her the only thing I can do it what I've previously stated. She asks, "Is this a new policy?" I always laugh when they ask this because I get to say no. She asked for my 'supervisor' and the manager came up and totally backed me up, which was awesome. She of course bitched that she would never spend money at Target again and the whole typical pathetic spiel. We both laughed at her when she left.
And as for yesterday, it was just augh. It seemed like every person had a ordeal that lasted 5 minutes, adn it was pretty busy. On a Tuesday. WTF!? Well, there was this one person who got something as a gift that was sent to him from, and he didn't want it. All that he needed besides the item was the packing slip. Which of course he didn't have. It was about 30 minutes before he called his house and had someone read him the info on the packing slip. When he finally got that info, I was busy helping another guest, and so my co-worker plus the 2 head cashiers told him to wait for me because I know what to do. WHAT!? And the head cashiers get paid more than me, and yet they're my supervisors? Oh lordy, I swear if I left GS it would be an absolute mess.
Also, this Sunday I picked up Heidi's photo lab shift from 2-6. I'm excited, but I feel like I'm going to be annoying as fuck because I'll be asking tons of questions. Oh well, I don't really care. I'd rather know the answer then assuming I know it. I know how to do everything back there, it's just the guests questions that freak me out. And the thing is I already work on Sunday from 12-7 in GS, so from 2-6 I'll be at the photo lab. Heidi made Tyan pick up the 2-6 in GS where I won't be there. Funny thing is, Sara works that day too, so she will have to work with Bridgit and Tyan, probably the people she hates the most. I have a feeling she'll beat the shit outta me. Haha! I'll just tell her to come help us at the photo lab. I hate Bridgit because of her fucking voice. It makes my skin crawl. Damn she's annoying. And Tyan is, I swear, a Target robot. She is always so damn perky and upbeat and never complains.
Well, another 2 days off, and I'm going to enjoy it. Haha!

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