I do, however, get to work today! Thank God! Heaven forbid I have one day of R&R when I come back from vacation. It's been SO busy I've heard. I also heard it was like Christmas yesterday morning when the doors opened. I would have shot myself if I saw that. And I've already heard that it's busy today too. Great because I close, ALWAYS do on Mondays. Well, at least it's my last closing Monday for a few months. As of next Monday, I'll be unavailable on Mondays. Haha! Who's gonna close GS now bitches!?!
And also next week I got a 2:30-close CASHIERING shift on a fucking Saturday. But not just any Saturday, probably one of the busiest weekends other than Christmastime. Oh shit.
Well, I get all of my buttons and whatnot from stickergiant.com. There's a bunch of funny stuff there.

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