So with my class schedule, I get tons of closing shifts...Great! My next shifts are all closing. Fun! Yeah, so that pisses me off. At least I'm more in Guest Service.
Which brings me to this Saturday. I work 4:30-close in GS, but Sara and Bridget work 8-4:30, and AShton works 11-5. Why the fuck is there 2 people there from 8-4:30!? And why does the last person leave at 5? On Saturdays, there needs to be AT LEAST 2 people there until 9pm. I'm going to talk to them about it, and push the back-up button more times than I need. And I probably won't have anyone to give me my breaks either. FUCK! They only do this to me too.
Karen was being the biggest bitch on Saturday. I was bagging for someone, I got bitched out for not doing bathrooms, helped Sara give a lunch in the photo lab - got bitched out for not helping with breaks when there was none to do, helped Sara with 2 carts of registry returns - got bitched out for not collecting hangers. Jesus fucking Christ woman! You don't need to do hangers at an exact time at night, but guest service needs to be spotless towards closing. I fucking hate her.
My next shift is Wednesday from 3-close in GS, and that should be a fucking blast. I'm going to ask what the fuck is up with the Saturday situation. Until then, stay classy!

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