Monday, November 08, 2004

A Good Day? Where'd That Come From?

Wow! Sunday was actually a good day.

-Got to give Krista a break! (2 yrs in the making)
-Got to leave early (scheduled outside of my availability)
-Everyone was being so fun

Bad things:
-Guy came back, but with no cops

Oh wow, that guy. Well, Scott OKed it and he got his way, but he just had to insult us before he left. What a douche! He wanted to return a radar detector that WASN'T on his receipt. He said that was his 4th time trying it. Oh god! He was just a complete asshole.

Damn, I dunno what else to say. Well, our schedules should be posted today, although they should have been there on Thursday. Laura must've spilled her mega potpie on the keyboard.

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