Saturday, March 05, 2005

And the Winner is...

Well, first off I agree with your comments, thinking that because it was Sharon and the fact that she hates me, she would've put me on the shittiest lane imaginable. I myself thought I would be on lane 31 or a breaker. We were all wrong! I was on lane 5. I know! It surprised the fuck outta me too! Apparently Sharon has removed the stick outta her ass, for now anyway.

It was a relatively OK kinda day. It went by quickly, and I was around people I liked so that made it easier. We are back into our swing of things at our store. Dead during the weekdays, and busy as fuck on Fri-Sat-Sun. There were SO many Canadians yesterday, and I'm sure they are going to return most of what they bought today. Great. Today I'm in Guest Service for the first time in TWO WEEKS! Yippee! I feel as though when I walk up there they should play the music from Kill Bill Vol. 1 where the Crazy 88s walk into that club. Augh, two weeks! I can't believe I made it. I close with Sara tonight so I'm sure it's gonna be a good night. It's always a blast working with her.

Oh, and I forgot to update y'alls on my schedule. Good Fucking News! I work Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat, and Thurs-Fri-Sat are in Guest Service. Thank God! And my cashier shifts are a 4 our and a 4.5 hour. Not to shabby! Thurs is a 6 hr GS shift, and Friday and Saturday I work 4-close in GS. Kinda shitty, but I'll take it. So the only days I have off during my spring break are that Sunday and Monday. Wow, that kinda sucks. Hopefully they don't schedule me on that next Sunday unless it's GS.

Guest Service got an update during my two-week absence, so that should be fun... They got new grids around the screens that don't fit, and they say for us to scan all receipts, even if expired because now I guess there is a grace period for after the 90 days. I doubt we are supposed to tell people this because it may depend on the guest's returning habits to decide how long their grace period is. I don't think it's a good idea because soon we will get people with expired receipts saying they were able to return on an expired receipt before. I view it as a chance type thing. They want you to know that if you return it within the 90 days you're in the clear, but after that you can try, but aren't guaranteed anything.

The only odd thing that happened was this middle-aged woman asking me what pair of sunglasses that *I* liked. Yeah, umm, ok. I told her what pair I liked, and then she said, "Really?" Ok, so if you liked the other ones more, why did you ask me? So she bought the pair I liked, and left. I hate when people ask you for their opinion, I'm not a fucking fashion expert! One of these days I should say, "Neither, you look like shit in both." and watch the complaints roll in. It would be worth it though to see the look on their faces.

Well, another 2:30-close today. Yesterday we got out at 10:45 so that's not too bad. Tonight is probably gonna suck some major ass, though I'm just gonna leave at 11pm, like we are SUPPOSED to. Today is probably gonna be filled with stupid, rude, and hilarious guests. I'll be sure to tell you how it went.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shoot I wish we got off at 10:45 at closing. Tonight I closed; the store closes at 10 pm. At 12:15 we clocked out. I zoned and did abandon for One Spot, Mini Seasonal, Candy, Cosmetics, some Grocery, and some Pets and Plastics. It was getting to be ridiculous.