Thursday, March 03, 2005

Just Guess

Anyone care to take a guess on what side I was on? Anyone? Well, if you have been following my posts, you would know that for the last 4 of my shifts, I've been on lanes 31,24,26, and 26. And then I get to work yesterday, and what lane am I on? Good ol' 29. My God, give me a fucking break! So that brings the count up to 5 of my last shifts! All of my shifts from the last time I was in GS (last Sunday) have been cashiering on the green side! Holy Fucking Shit! I know they hate me, but could you make it a little *less* obvious? I swear to God I will put up the biggest shit fit if I'm on the green side on Friday. I am going to REFUSE to be on the green side. I hope either Sharon or Krista closes, that way it will be easier (and more fun) to argue with them. Krista will probably move me, but Sharon will just be her usual bitchy self, and not let me. And I want to tell her that my last 5 shifts were cashiering and all on the green side, and this goes against her thinking that I 'hardly ever' cashier. Yeah right, you fucking troll!

So lane 29 did suck. I had some bitchy people, of fucking course. They all either told me how to bag, or complained about my bagging, and had to 'redo' it while bitching me out.

There was this one evil bitch though, and here's the story:
This mom (45-50ish) and her daughter (20-25) came thru my lane. They shared a cart. Well, when I start ringing them up they still haven't separated eveything into their 2 tranactions that they wanted. So I ring up what I thought was the mom's stuff as there was no red bar to separate the transactions. I ask the mom if that is everything. <- Make a note of this statement! She says yes, and so I hit total, and she pays. While she was paying, the daughter put down the red bar in the middle of the remainder of stuff on the belt. I wondered if she wanted 2 seperate transactions. So I ring up everything until the red bar, and tell them the total. The mom didn't know what was going on, and I told her it was the other half because I can't read minds. This old bitch flips out saying she already paid for her stuff, and why should she have to pay again. I told her I thought that was a seperate transaction and asked her if that was everything. It's not my fault that you weren't paying attention. Well, then the mom writes another check, and then the mom and daughter start laughing at me thinking how could I be that stupid. Well, as with anyone this pissed me off. So I bagged the daughter's shit as sloppily and heavily as I could and told her the total. She used a giftcard, and the balance that she had to pay was $1.07. The mom freaked out again saying that she could've paid for that. What the fuck lady? I can't read minds! There was a bar there, so it was a seperate transaction! Then I must've bagged something wrong because they stayed at the end of my lane reorganizing all their bags, and bitching about that, and still laughing at me. So while they were doing that I just kept ringing the next guests up. And I did it fast so the mom and daughter would get the idea to get the fuck away from my lane. They eventually left, but for godsakes, stow the 'tude!

No Target today, THANK FUCKING GOD! I will go in there this evening to get my schedule for spring break. Yeah, not going anywhere except to pushing my sanity. I better have more than one fucking GS shift because I gave up the first weekend that I originally asked to have off.

I work 2:30-close cashiering on Friday and 2:30-close GUEST SERVICE (hallelulah!) on Saturday. I also checked to make sure Nancy wasn't closing, and she isn't on either of those days. Thank God!

I'll probably be on later today to tell you what my schedule looks like...Hopefully it looks good. And you can be sure that there will be PLENTY of good stories after my shift on Saturday.

Anyone wanna guess what side I'll be on for tomorrow? Even better, what lane? Or could I be a breaker?
(Lanes 1-16 are blue side, and lanes 17-32 are green side. Lanes that aren't used often are 1-3, 11-23, and 32.) Good Luck!

Also another clue: Sharon's opening and will make the schedule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you'll be on 26.

Your store is backwards from mine. Our green side starts at Lane 1. Express is 1-5 and 30-32. They are all 10 items or less. It used to be some were 6 and some were 20 or less, and they were scattered. They switched for seasonal and haven't switched back yet.

So our schedule for the week starting March 6 isn't out yet, and it's the 3rd. This is normal though. (Ugh)