Tuesday, June 28, 2005


And so I finished the 7 closing shifts. Holy fuck, let's not do that ever again.

Well, we did experience some not so fun guests, and hopefully I can remember most of them.

First off, there was this old Canadian guy, he comes up to GS, and starts bitching about how we are trying to rip him off. He asks what the exchange rate is and I tell him it was 76%. He then asks how can a $20 item be $29 in Canadian. Umm, that's the 76% exchange rate dumbass! He continued to rant about us "ripping him off" and I got sick of it, so I told him that I don't make the exchange rate. He said, "It's no wonder why Canadians don't come UP here." Yeah, last time I checked Canada was ABOVE the U.S. so you can't really come 'up' here. Idiot.

There was also this woman that came up to GS and was helped by Sara. She just walks up and says, "I need a scanner." Sara was like WTF and asked her for her print out. The woman gets all pissy and says, "I need to register. Can I do that here?" in a real bitchy tone. Sara basically freaked out on her, and told her she needs to start over on the kiosk, enter her info, and then we'll give her a scanner.

There was also another woman that freaked out because we wouldn't issue her a temporary card because she lost her other one. I don't even know what happened, but after she walked away we all burst out laughing.

Ah, that's all I can remember for now. Now, I'm gonna enjoy my day off.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Well, Guest Service has been pretty tame compared to what I'm used to. There are barely any rude people, so that's good.

My next 7 shifts are ALL CLOSING! Yuck! That really fucking sucks. I'm going to have such a 'tude later on in the week when I'm sick of closing.

The photo lab opened yesterday, and I want to work over there so badly. It looks like so much fun. When I have downtime in GS, I just stare over there. It's such an easy job. The only tough parts are opening/closing and changing paper and other shit. Otherwise it's all straight forward.

Well I guess I better get ready for my first of SEVEN closing shifts. Ay fuckin' carumba!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Photo Lab Training

Well, after 2 8 hour days of training, I'm "done". I only quote that because that is the only time they gave me to learn over there. But, I have it down. All I need to know is how to handle things for breaks/lunches, and not too much about opening and closing, so as for me giving breaks/lunches over there, I'm ready.

The training was really fun, and the whole process is pretty simple. We have a 28 page "cheat sheet" that says word for word what we are supposed to do. We also have our very own trainer from Kodak this week so we all know we are doing things properly. And it's nice that he's not a total robot, he actually has a personality.

So it is pretty fun over there. I'm sure it will get hectic at times with all the people that come with film, but I only have to worry about breaks/lunches. Haha. Anyways, tomorrow I'm scheduled 2:30-9 at Guest Service, but I'm going in at noon to help process the team member photos that we did for free to practice.

So, long day for me tomorrow. Oh well, time flies in the photo lab.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Well Then

The trip went well. The 2 story Target store was awesome. It had cart escalators, temporary check-outs, and a huge Food Ave. It was really fun.

I just got back from our "meeting". It was nothing major, it was just do we could all be on the same page. Even though it didn't clear up much. Oh well, at least we got paid.

Anywho, I found out that I DO get to get cross-trained over in the photo lab, so that's exciting. Lucy picked me, Sara, and Heidi from GS because she said we were "the core of Guest Service", which is good to hear. Lucy also told everyone today that us 3 are getting trained over there. That was uncomfortable, I didn't even look at anyone else because I didn't want my eyes burned out. They got rid of my cashier shifts so that I could train. Yeah! That's A-OK with me! So I have 2 training shifts on Wed and Thurs from 9-5 each day. I'm excited.

I also found out today that Angela is the 1 hour photo team lead. Yeah, the same Angela up at Guest Service that didn't know a damn thing. And I don't think she's even been at Target for a year. The thing that pisses me off is that they didn't give the old team lead over there the job. She knew everything about anything dealing with the photo lab. And to just flush her away for some dumbass that doesn't know shit about anything? That's the definition of Target. It's just what they do. It's gonna take some time before I can really accept her as a Team Lead. That will be very interesting.

I also checked my schedule for next week... Holy Fucking Cow! I have 40 hours consisting of 5 shifts, and they are ALL closing. ALL CLOSING! That's going to be a nightmare. The good thing is almost all of them are in Guest Service. Only 1 day is 2-6 GS, and then 6-close cashiering. All the other shifts are GS. So that will be nice. And I have to leave by 11 every night or else I'll hit overtime. YES! Hopefully we aren't there until 11 every night, but you know how things are.

So now I have 3 days off including today. Nice! Wednesday I'll be getting trained in at 1 hour, and I'm excited. I'm not so excited about Angela but I can tolerate her.

So it's been a week or so since the last time I posted and what a whirlwind it has been. Pure craziness.

Again, if you read this, leave a comment. Just say something, it would be nice to see how many people read this. Alrighty, have a good week. Mine should be interesting.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was dead more towards the end of the night.

Well, all of the pictures from the photo lab are now over in Guest Service. Yeah, it's a fucking blast. There was this one bitch who totally flipped on me because I didn't know anything about the film. This is how it went:
Bitch: Can you see if my pictures came in?
Me: Sure, what's your last name?
Bitch: *********
So I search and can't find them.
Me: I don't see them in here.
Bitch: Well, I dropped them off a week ago.
Me: Well, they're not here.
Bitch: Do you know when they are coming in?
Me: No, they moved all the pictures over here, and didn't tell us anything about any of this. I don't know when they will be here.
Bitch: Does anyone here know anything? Isn't there a number you can call?
Me: They didn't tell us anything. I have no idea.
Then the bitch storms away.

Repeat that for a 8.5 hour shift and that was my Monday. Some people were understanding, but then others weren't. All we were told to do was give out pictures and take film for sendout, that's it. No one can answer any technical questions.

They are also extending out the wall in between the registry kiosks and the photo lab out a foot. So now the kiosks will be REALLY hard to see. We got a lot of questions about where they are when they were in plain sight, so now it's going to be even worse. Yikes.

They started tearing the old photo lab apart early, but did the major stuff starting at 9:30. So it was especially fun trying to get the GS shit done while they were in my way.

People also didn't read the sign that was right fucking in front of the photo lab. So they walked over to the clearly empty photo lab, and then bitching at me asking where their pictures were. Read the fucking sign. All of it. It says all pictures are at Guest Service. God, fucking morons. People don't like to read nowadays, and it's MY fault they didn't read.

Our stupid Guest Service meeting is this Sunday, and I still don't want to be in the same room as Lucy. God I fucking hate her.

Well today is a 4 hour cashier shift, and tomorrow is 8.5 cashiering. Fun fun fun! Then I have this weekend off because I'm going out of town to a actual big city where there is a 2 story Target. My inner Target nerd is jumping for joy.

Have a good rest of the week!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Just Great

So yesterday I asked about the meeting, and I guess we really are going over the policies. The head cashiers said they wanted to come up with skits to make us laugh. And I guess there will be donuts and juice, so it might not be that bad. I'm also expecting them to say some of us are cut from GS. Those 10+ cashiers that are coming in the same time as us? WILL be training in at Guest Service. Sharon said it was so we could have more people give breaks over there, and so I asked if they would get shifts over there. Of course, it IS Lucy. So pretty much this meeting will tell us we are getting our hours cut up there. They're not taking my hours without a fight. Fuck no! I want at least 2 GS shifts a week, and they better not be piddly 4 hours either.

They have always been threatening to cut our hours up there, but it never happened. Now it is. I'm so stressed to see what happens because I do not want to get booted out of GS. If I am, I may have to transfer to a different department, or even quit. There is no way in hell I'm going back to full time cashiering. No fucking way.

Another thing Sharon said is that basically we have to fight to work up there. Every shift we have they want us to be robots. This means always smiling, clean counters, no stray carts, returns are up to speed, and all this other random shit. At the end of the night, they want every single return out on the floor. The carts in GS HAVE to be empty or else we get yelled at. If the departments don't come up, WE have to put the shit away. Yeah, so no departments do come up because they know we have to do it anyway. Oh, and we can't be leaning in GS. I have a feeling if a guest complains, that will be the end of you in GS. They already told Heidi she wouldn't be up there anymore.

I don't understand what the fuck is going through Lucy's thick monkey skull. Why are we going over policies when you have shitloads of NEW people that don't know one fucking thing about any of our policies? She also picked people that haven't even been at Target for a year yet. It's not that I think they aren't ready, it's just you should have to work to get up there. Also the BRAND NEW 1 hour photo employees are getting trained in GS. They don't even know how to fucking cashier! You HAVE to be able to know what you are doing when you cashier before you even THINK about learning GS. Well, not for Lucy because she is a dumb fuck. Who gave her her goddamn degree? University of DUHHH!?

Thank fucking GOD I don't work today! Although I was asked to by everyone and their grandma. No thanks! Today is also the last day 1 hour photo will be running for 2 weeks. All people will be redirected to Guest Service. Just great! And on Monday I work 2:30-close in GS, and I'm by myself after 4:30. There is gonna be more traffic in GS, and only me to handle all of it. STRESSFUL! At least I don't work this next coming weekend. Augh! Kill me now.

Friday, June 03, 2005

A Week

Well, it's been a week since I posted. I've had a few shifts, but I don't remember anything major about any of them. They all kind of run together.

I found out more about 1 hour photo. It will close June 5th, and re-open June 18th. Yep, Target team members get their pics developed for free from the 12th-17th I think, so the new people can practice. That could be interesting.

Also, there is a GS meeting scheduled for the Sunday the 12th. What's it about? I have no idea. Kinda scares me a little because I have a feeling we are gonna get bitched out. I also have a feeling we might be training in new people too. Either way, it's gonna suck. I also saw some cashiers were scheduled to come in for the same time that we are meeting, so I wonder if we will be training. Yikes! I don't want anymore people up there. Stupid Lucy.

Well, today I work 2:30-8 in GS. Not so bad. At least I don't close.