Monday, February 28, 2005


To address anonymous's comment:

Guest Service is FUN! It's a little nerve-racking at first because you're not used to telling people no. I had to ask a lot of questions when I was up there, to make sure I knew what I was doing. Just don't let guests ruin your day. Sure some will, but most are just laughable. I wasn't "officially" trained up there either, when I was supposed to be training, the GSTL kept pulling me out to do backups on the lanes. Then a GSTM called in sick, so they put ME over there, and I wasn't fully trained and didn't know how to do anything. So that was fun.

Yes, I also hate when people tell you, "oh I want this and that in one bag, then this in another..." DO IT YOURSELF THEN! I also hate people that hover their clothes above the belt because they don't want it "to get dirty". Yeah, ok, since we just had a mud wrestling match on the conveyor belt...Fucking idiots!

We didn't have any 'bagging' videos at my store. We just kinda learned common sense things. And 30 hours training...Whoa! We trained for about 2-3 hours and the stuck us on a lane with someone else.

I love people that assume you don't know what you are doing. Umm...Sorry, I've been with this company for a while now, and I'm pretty sure I know how it runs. Fuckfaces!

Oh, and I forgot to tell all y'alls that the 'radar detector guy' aka 'guy who thinks he owns the place' came thru my lane on Sunday. Yeah, he was bitching that the doormat that he was buying looked used already. I just stared at him and continued with his transaction. He also likes to say things under his breath, but I just ignored him and he looked surprised when I was still smiling when he left my lane. Oh, and he picked MY lane to go thru. He waited in my lane while other lanes were empty. I was like, "Oh just fucking great! What the fuck is he going to do today!?" My god, he is such an asshole. Everytime I see him I want to strangle him.

I'm SO sick of cashiering. For the last 4 shifts, I've cashiered, AND have been on the green side: lanes 31,24,26,26. Thanks bitches! There will be hell to pay if I'm on the greenside again on Wednesday. I will freak out on the head cashier. I'm in severe Guest Service withdrawal. I haven't been up there since last Sunday, and we've got new stuff, and of course I'm going to be the last to know about it.

Schedules for spring break are out on Thursday. Great. Wanna know where I'm going? Well, of course I'm going to be working for the entire week. And I better get more than one fucking GS shift. My god, I'm so sick of not getting hours up there, it really fucking pisses me off.

And if anyone knows how to set up links on this blog site please tell me. I've tried following their instructions, but they didn't work. That way I could have links to the sites of people who comment here. If you don't have a blog...Start one! I'll be the first to visit.

Well, this has gotten longer than I'd originally intended. Oh well, never hurts to read. I work Wednesday cashiering so I'll probably be back here bitching sometime after that, or again to respond to another comment.

Sunday, February 27, 2005


So yesterday and today both sucked. Both on lane 26. Who could've guessed?

I've been on the green side for the last 4 of my shifts. God help them if I'm on the green side on Wednesday or Friday when I cashier.

I close Saturday in Guest Service, and Sara closes too, so that should be one fun ass night.

I didn't cashier for the whole day today because I got way too bored, so I asked if I could do something else. I zoned cosmetics and miniseasonal, then the lanes, then Krista had me do sporting goods pulls. It was busy, but there were so many people scheduled today, that they sent a lot of cashiers to help the floor.

I really don't have much more to say, I'm just really tired.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Not so bad

Thursday went well, which is very good. I was still bored of cashiering, but it was only 4 hours. And I got to give Guest Service a break, so that's good. And I thought it was dead on the lanes; it's even more dead at Guest Service. All you have to do up there is just stand. It was boring, but I'd much rather do that then cashier anyday. And almost $8 an hour just to stand around, sure!

Not much to report, but Amber was close to me, and we shit-talked Karen. She was telling me how Karen bitched her out in front of a guest. Sound familiar? It should because that's the same thing she did to me.

I was on an express lane "10 items or fewer" and some people didn't see it, but a lot of people did. It's weird how when we had the "20 items or less" under the lane light, no one saw it, but when we have the "10 items or fewer" on top of the lane light, everyone sees it. Boggles my mind.

I thought of yet another pet peeve of mine. When I hand them their receipt, and they tell me to put it in the bag. This would be fine except for the fact that my hand is about an inch away from theirs, and the bag is closer to them then it is to me. Take the fucking receipt and put it in the bag yourself you lazy son of a bitch!

No Target today! Woo Hoo! What am I going to do? I haven't had a weekend-night off for a while. And yes, I consider Friday a weekend night because there's no class the next day. And I only have a 4 hour shift tomorrow. Yippee! And my paycheck was for over $300! Yippee!

I'll enjoy my day off, and update about Saturday probably soon after my shift because it's in the afternoon.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Yet Again

Well, today I work 5:15-9:30 cashiering. Great... I'm really starting to really fucking hate cashiering. I had one of my friends go 'stealth mode' and tell me what lane I'm on today. 24. Not too bad, but we'll see when I get there. But, I am NOT closing for reasons listed previously.

I guess Maggie said she wanted me to learn Food Ave for breaks. I'm still going to ask if I can today. I'm going to be Polly Persistant until they let me. I had to wait for 2 weeks just to even see if I could get trained in Guest Service. I'll just keep asking until they get sick of me.

Schedule is out today...eek! I'm expecting to get my usual 1 GS shift and 5 billion cashiering ones again. The thing is, I'm only asking for 15-20 hours a week and yet I am getting scheduled for 25+. It doesn't make sense. The week where I don't get *any* GS shifts will be the one where I totally bitch them out. I may be extremely pissed about it, but I'd let it slide for one week, but if it was followed by another week without GS shifts, I would flip ass and probably quit. I HATE cashiering as all of you can tell.

I'm still VERY pissed about what Sharon said/did yesterday. I don't need to be babysat. She's the one being childish if she separates Kayla and I for "having too much fun." I should just stop speaking to her and if she asks me why, I'll tell her, "If I can't say anything nice, then I won't say anything at all." Hopefully she will get the hint that she's a FUCKING BITCH! Maybe she heard me and Kayla shit-talking her. Almost every cashier hates her. Gee...I wonder why?

Oh and of course most of the closing TMs were in Nancy's department! Because she doesn't fucking do anything all day! And she's a fucking TEAM LEAD! Oh my god, I am about to totally bitch her out too. Everyone in the store also hates her, but since she's buddy-buddy with everyone else in charge, they let it go. Such bullshit!

I agree with a previous comment that Target is a fun place to walk around and shop. It's just not fun working here. (At my store anyways.) I will ALWAYS go to Target before Wal-mart, even after I quit.

It's comforting to know that all the TLs are stuck there for the rest of their lives. I'm going to school so that I won't have to put up with their crap. Target is like a fishing net, it catches you, and if you do get out, you're deeply scarred. And if you don't get out, you die slowly from the inside. That's just my opinion, some people just love working there. To them I say, give it time.

Well, now that I've started the basis of a slander suit against me, I'll say this: It's my opinion. Others do exist. If you wanna read about how 'lovely' the company is to work for, go find an I LOVE TARGET blog. All I'm saying is, they are probably brainwashed. Make your own decision about Target.

Why do I have this feeling I'm going to get sued and that my blog will be analyzed on Dateline? Haha! That would be so funny! Stone Phillips: "They went on to say Sharon was a snatch." Haha! That episode would become an instant family heirloom.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tonight DID Suck!

Holy Fuck, I have a new found hatred for Sharon. To put it nicely, she's a fucking bitch. I hate her more than Krista, and I didn't think that was possible. Well, to get it where you guys can understand what a fucking cunt she was, I'll have to tell you everything I went through today. Here goes,

Well, it already sucks that I work 2-close, that's already 8+ hours right there. And to top it off, I was on lane 31. I HATE that lane because I'm the first one open on the green side and guests are too dumb to go to any other OPEN lane while I have 3+ people. And 8+ hours on that lane is cruel, and they know it. So, things are going good up until I ask Sharon if I can learn how to do Food Ave. She gives me this bullshit answer, "I'd prefer you to have a shift over there to learn." Ok, but then she yelled at me saying, "I needed to know it in order to be a breaker." Yeah, OK, but how the fuck am I going to learn it if you keep saying no? The thing is that it was SO dead at our store. All of the cashiers were 'standing out' waiting for guests. But no, I still couldn't. What the fuck ever.

Kayla was on lane 30, so we were talking and having a good time. Well, apparently we were "goofing off" so she moved Kayla to lane 25. I can honestly say we weren't doing anything wrong. Sharon told Kayla "we were having too much fun." WHAT THE FUCK? Isn't it a GOOD thing to have fun at work!? Target's fucking saying is FAST, FUN, & FRIENDLY! Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I see the word fun in there. So then Sharon told me, "Quit being crabby. It's not like you ever cashier." Whoa, wrong thing to say bitch! I've never been so close to snapping IN MY LIFE. Not even on Krista! I said sarcastically, "Yeah, with my ONE Guest Service shift a week." And then I rolled my eyes. Excuse the fuck outta me, but who does she think she is to think she knows what I do on my shifts. Obviously she isn't aware that I pretty much cashier all the fucking time.

Then later, it's time for my break and it's already 10 minutes late. So I ask Sharon if I could just go on my break. She bitched me out that I was complaining about 10 minutes. Umm, excuse me? It's 10 minutes! She gave me this evil look then she told me I would have to wait for a breaker to give it to me. It was still dead. She told me we were getting busy. There are still cashiers standing out. OK, what the fuck ever. I told her that it was boring, and she told me to go stand out and zone my lane. Yeah, that'll keep me occupied for 3 seconds.

So then at the end of the night, she sends home this girl that was supposed to close, 20 minutes early. What the fuck!? I've been there the longest, even longer than Sharon, and wouldn't it make sense to let the person who's been there the longest go home first? Well, not with me, I'm a fucking nothing. I seriously think she fucking hates me.

So at the end of the night, she kept telling us we'd be out right at closing. Well, when the time comes she told us to zone the $ spot and miniseasonal. Then we were walking toward the door, and she told us to go zone cosmetics. Seriously, what the fuck!? So then after we walked through that we didn't see Sharon around so we ran to punch out.

The ONLY good part of the day is when I got lunch. I went to Jimmy John's. Holy Fuck, their subs are ORGASMIC! That is my new ritual, whenever I have a shitty ass day, I'm going to brighten it with some Jimmy John's.

I seriously think Sharon hates me. There is no other way to explain it. And great 5:15-9:30 tomorrow casheiring. I hope they ask me to stay until close so I can say, "Nope, just because of the way I was treated yesterday." And then I will laugh my ass off when they beg me to stay. Nope, sorry, I don't appreciate being treated like shit.

My legs are absolutely killing me. I almost want to saw them off, or get mass amounts of morphine.

Sorry for the depressing post, but that's the shit that I put up with.
Oh my fucking God though. I hate Sharon.

Tonight Will Suck

So today I'm cashiering 2-close. YUCK! Oh, wow today will be interesting to say the least. It is Canadian bus Wednesday and nothing ever goes good on Wednesdays.

I'm going to ask to get trained in Food Ave, so I don't have to cashier for so long. And I need to learn Food Ave so I can be a breaker a lot. Being a breaker is way better than cashiering on the same lane ANYDAY. I feel sorry for the regular Targets who don't have breakers. I'm not sure if they do or not.

I've heard they are hiring for a new head cashier. Hmm... I wonder who's getting the boot, or if we are just getting another person. If they just add someone, we will have 6. That's too many. I even think 5 is a little much. And no, I'm not applying for it. I don't have the best hours, and even if I did I still wouldn't want to. I doubt I would get it anyway because of my "attitude problem."

Well, I hope today goes well. I'll update sometime tonight or tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Most Memorable Guests

Today I decided to *try* to remember some of the dumbest guests I have ever seen.

The previous story about asking 'where' Target is while they come thru my lane.

One lady asked me how to get out of the store. She looked like she was going to cry. We were up by the front lanes too. Scary...

I watched this old man walk right into the NONautomatic doors. That was the loudest thud, I've ever heard. it was hilarious.

Some old guy asked me how to spell 'Target'. He obviously missed it on my shirt, nametag, and everywhere else. If you can't spell Target, maybe you shouldn't be writing checks.

While cashiering, I've been asked if they could buy their groceries here. Nope, in the back sorry. WTF!?

Outside, while walking into the Team Member entrance, some Canadians were perplexed on how to get into the store because it says TMs only. Duh! The two HUGE double doors! I've said this before but they think Expect More Pay Less over the blue doors is a Payless Shoe Source, and Grocery over the green doors is a whole other grocery store.

I've had checks made out to all different kinds of places. Mostly Wal-mart and the local grocery store. I had to convince one guy he was in Target, not Wal-mart. Maybe the RED was a clue? And that the store is CLEAN?

The guy who couldn't operate a telephone. I had to tell him where to find his account number, what a pound sign was, and what a zip code was. I was amazed.

Getting asked by trillions of Canadians if we exchange money. No, we are not a fucking bank. Some Canadians bitch us out because they can't. Umm...Exchange your fucking money BEFORE you come down here. Morons!

Getting asked where they can return something as I'm standing at Guest Service.

Getting asked if there is a Target in a major city in another state. YEAH! Target IS a national chain.

Drunk Canadians who pissed all over the floor in the Mens department.

And some special guests that need a story to accompany them. (I may have told these once before on this blog, but I'm not too sure.)

The Chinese-Canadians. The most rude people I have ever helped.
My friend and I were at Guest Service with a line of about 4-5 guests. So we are trying to do our job as quickly as possible. All of a sudden we hear screaming coming from the Jewelry boat. These old Chinese Canadians come RUNNING up to Guest Service. They need to return some jewelry THEY JUST BOUGHT, and to top it off, their bus was leaving. So they came up, and threw their stuff at me and yelled at me to return it. They had budged in front of everyone else. So as I was returning it, because it's from the same day, I have to type in each price for each item they purchased. It took some time to match the price and the item, not a terribly long time, but slower than a usual return. As I was doing this they were yelling, "You need to hurry up! Please hurry! Our bus is leaving! Why can't you go faster!?" And they kept saying this over and over again. I kept telling them I was going as fast as I could but it didn't help to yell at me. then when I was finished, I told them they got cash back, and I open the drawer, and they say they want their Canadian money back because that is what they paid with. I told them we couldn't give back Canadian. They got pissed, took the American cash, and scrambled for the door. After that I told the next guest they were the rudest people I've ever encountered. This event happened last summer, and I can still remember it like it's yesterday.

The Christmas tree guy.
So, I was cashiering, and since it was slow, I was sent to help clean up the salesfloor. It was before Christmas 2003, so the seasonal area was a complete mess. As I was cleaning up, this old man asked me if we had any certain kind of the tree he wanted in the back because we were out on the shelf. I looked and it had a grey dot on the label, so I told him we don't have any in the back because that's what the grey dot means. He then demands a rain check because it's on sale. As all the Target readers know, we don't give rainchecks on seasonal items for the simple fact that we may not get them back in...ever. So I told him this and he got pissed. He then asked me, in a asshole tone, "When are you getting more in?" I told him, we don't know. The corporation sends us what it thinks our store needs because our inventory is done thru the computer. He didn't believe me and so he started yelling at me, "You mean to tell me, no one in this store knows what coming in, not even the managers?" I tell him he's right, and he told me he doesn't believe me. He then told me this all out story about how he was a manager and blah blah blah, I wasn't really listening. So he wanted to talk to a manager. Well, I didn't have a walkie, but found a TM in the seasonal area to come and reaffirm what I had just said. The guy got even more pissed off because this TM wasn't a manager. Then I got called back up to the front to cashier, but I remember seeing the guy flipping out on the manager. (I think the managers might know what's coming on the trucks, but it's hard to get at, and pointless for checking for guests because we aren't going to hold anything once it gets in. First come first serve.)

The towel lady.
She always grabbed a cart, went back to Domestics. Put towels on the bottom of her cart, then went shopping. She never bought the towels, just used them to protect her food from all the 'diseases' that are in our carts. She was also the kind of person where nothing of hers could touch the conveyor belt because she didn't want things to get 'dirty.'

The guy who threatened to call the cops.
I've touched lightly on this guy in a previous post, but I'll discuss the whole story now. This guy is an asshole plain and simple. I've already said that he comes into the store and acts as though he owns the place, He orders people around, and degrades them. Well, he always used to come in with this radar detector. The receipt had a radar detector on it for 129.99 and the on he was trying to return with that receipt was 79.99. Of course we couldn't do this, and I told him the numbers don't match. We can't just basically give you $50 on top of returning the $80 one. He had been in and helped by everyone in Guest Service and we all told him the same thing. He started yelling at us saying that was the receipt he was given, and the price difference was to due a corporation mistake. When I talked with him, he tried to scare me by saying that he would have the cops, our security, and "all" the managers involved when he came back tomorrow. After he said that he stood there expecting me to give in just because he mentioned those people. I wasn't scared because I was doing MY JOB, and doing it correctly, so I didn't have anything to worry about. So the next day, I was in Guest Service again, and he came in. No cops, but he asked for a manager right away. Scott came up and he listened to his whole spiel, and went to check the radar detector on the shelf. I don't know what happened, but when Scott came back he told us to return it at the 129.99 price and buy it back at the 79.99 price. I was so pissed because he was treating all of us like shit. Then he was standing right next to the desk and saying that all of us up there need to be retrained because we "don't know what we are doing" and that we were all too scared to do anything about the company's mistake. Scott was half-assed agreeing with him just to have him leave, but it pissed me off that he just let him stand there and insult us. Everytime I see that guy now, I'm a total asshole.

The Coupon-Return lady.
We had this woman who would buy Crest Whitestrips with a $7 off coupon, and then returned it. Our systems weren't capable of noticing coupons at that time, so when she returned them she got full price. So basically Target was giving her $7 everytime she did this. And she did it a lot. It finally got to the point where AP told us to turn her down. I don't know if they talked to her or what because it stopped shortly after.

Ms. Never have my receipt.
This woman is also a bitch. She never has her receipt, and we can't look it up because she always pays cash. Well anyway, Target only allows 3 no-receipt returns a year. Once she passed those three, she had her 13 year old daughter do it for her. But she has always has a nasty attitude about returning without a receipt. But, nowadays, whenever she returns something, she ALWAYS has her receipt. Haha! Learn your lesson? I don't get that people think we NEED the receipt. They just assume we'll bend over backwards for them, and when we don't the bitch and bitch and bitch.

Well, that wraps it up for now. I'm sure I'll think of more and be back to tell you guys all about them. I wish I would've started this blog when I first started Target, so I could remember every rude person. Rude people are so funny. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

"Behind Something"

These past two shifts were so much fun. I worked with some great people and it reminded me of how my store USED to be. Everyone was laughing and having an all around good time.

Well, Saturday I worked 3:30-close cashiering. It wasn't bad because I was a breaker. I also bagged for people for my first hour and a half. There were 4 breakers and not that many breaks, so it was an easy day. The funnest part came at closing. Somehow, me, Tony, Jackie, and Jeni I think all were helping zone Domestics. We were also putting away returns. Anything we couldn't find people asked me where it went. I started saying, "Behind something." So we hid things we couldn't find behind other things, and we just kept laughing. We were zoning as we did this, and fucking idiots take shit out of the packaging, and it's next to impossible to fit it back in there. So we tried but it just ended up looking like shit. We were all bashing Canadians in the mean time. Jackie had just transferred from another store, and she said she was having so much fun at this store. So that was cool. We were all expecting for AP to talk with us in the morning about us hiding shit behind other things. Then Sharon came out to help us, and while she was zoning, she found something we hid, and I burst out laughing. Then so did everyone else. We blamed it on the Canadians. Then we were finally finished and Sharon told us we could go. As we walked up to the front, we noticed no other TMs were there. They left without telling us. Oh well. We ended up punching out at 11:15, which isn't *that* bad, but it could've been a lot better. Then there were some other TMs by the timeclock and one made fun of Tony's orange juice. Tony said, "Do you know what frozen orange juice looks like frozen on a car?" Everyone laughed, and the girl said, " You don't know what I drive." Tony said he'd just do it to every car. Then as we were walking out I said as he was pouring it on the store manager's car, he would probably come out at that time and see Tony doing that. We all laughed again. Oh Good Times!

Then, I worked 12-4 in GS today, and it was also really fun. Me and Tony (Tony and I for you grammar freaks) opened, and Melissa came in at 1:30. We didn't have any really mean/rude guests so that was good. We just all had a fun day.

Still, the Canadians were the majority of our customers, and hopefully this will be the last major Canadian rush day. We're thinking that they have spring break at their universities, but that still doesn't explain why the whole fucking population is down here. And today I returned so many things that the fucking Canadians bought yesterday. What the fuck!? Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with these people? If you don't want it, don't fucking buy it. It's not that hard of a concept.

Then we had our very own hit-and-run in the parking lot. I don't know what happened with it though, so this isn't that great of a story.

Someone asked Melissa on Saturday while she was cashiering where Target was. YOU'RE IN TARGET YOU FUCKING MORON!!! Of course they were Canadian. My fucking god, how the hell do you know where to go if you don't know where you are? And of course, Melissa was wearing a shirt that said Target on it, and also her name tag, but people don't like to read anymore, but that's a whole other venting story. It still amazes me. I've had this question asked to me a while back, and they were Canadians again, and this is how the conversation went:
Stupid Canadians: "Can you tell me where Target is?"
Me: "You're in Target."
SC: "No, but where is it?"
SC: "I know, but where is it?"
M: "You are in Target! This whole store is Target!"
They left still not believing me.
This goes back to the idea of what our doors say. Expect More Pay Less over the blue doors, Grocery over the green doors, and SuperTarget over the middle TM entrance. Canadians are too stupid to figure out that this is one store with 2 guest entrances. Just yesterday, some Canadians came through my lane and they were talking about going to a grocery store to get some things. I gave them my 'are you fucking retarded?' look, but I didn't want them to stay in my store with cluelessness like that.

Oh, thank God the weekend is over. Hopefully we'll see less Canadians...Hopefully.

I also told Maggie I wouldn't need any of my spring break time off because other people I wanted to go with couldn't get it off. So I told her she could cross mine off, and *cough cough* should give me more GS hours during that time. She said she'd think about it. Fine by me.

Well, I don't work in GS for almost 2 weeks now! AUGH! Oh wow, I just hope things stay like they have been these last 2 shifts. I close this Wednesday, and next Friday cashiering, and have varying shifts from now to that Friday. Oh well.

So next time you go into a Target, and pull something off the shelf, and find something else behind it that doesn't belong there, the "behind something" policy was enacted. Just don't get caught following the policy, unless you're a guest, then you really could get away with murder in the store.

The customer is NEVER right! Whoever says otherwise hasn't worked a day in retail.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Long Day

4 hours? It seemed like 8. It was boring once again, and jammed packed with Canadians although almost all of them were nice. Hmm...Why are there SO many!? They out numbered everyone else. I would say I helped about 100 people today, and about 25 WEREN'T Canadian. Scary.

There was this one woman who asked how long it was to the border and I told her a time amount. Well, she wanted a distance amount and I told her I didn't know for sure, and she got pissed at me. I'm sorry I'm not a fucking tourism center!

But today was so boring. Nothing interesting happened at all. I was tired. For once I was in a good mood, so at least that helped.

To my commenters:
I also hate walking the floor for cards. When we had the booth, it was funny to see people go out of their way to avoid you. Then there was the idiots who thought you were an information kiosk. Walking around sucked too though. Especially in a SuperT. My legs hurt after a few laps. I asked everyone with a full cart, and then there is just no one to ask anymore. I've only walked the floor a couple of times because the head cashiers know I suck at it.

The $ spot does indeed suck ass! Guest Service is in charge of putting away the returns for it at my store. It sucks because GS and the $ spot are on different sides of the store. We usually have a cashier do it when we doing our closing duties though. I hate the $ spot. I had to do pulls over there one day, and it was a fucking mess. Yet people still go absolutely crazy over this stuff. Once in a while they do have some good stuff over there, but usually it's just junk.

Yuck! Tomorrow I cashier 330-11pm. Just my luck I'll be on lane 29, 30, or 31. Other GS people are closing cashiering too, and they will probably be breakers while I'm on the shittiest lane imaginable. Target likes me miserable.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: How did you find out about this blog? Just wondering...

Well, I'll probably not be back on until after my shift on Sunday, so until with it? I dunno.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

From Pointless To Non-Pointless

Did I just make a new word? Nonpointless? Ahh who cares.

So, Becky never showed up. So I was the only one there after Heidi left at 7. It didn't matter though because it was SO BORING! There was hardly anyone in the store...yet again.

There was this one crabby pig bitch that came up to the desk, and said, "I bought stuff for my bathroom 5 days ago, and now it's all clearance. Can I get an adjustment?" Well, we only do adjustments on SALE prices within 14 days of the receipt. Not clearance. So I told her this, and damn she got pissed. She told me to just do it, and after I realized she wasn't filming for a Nike commercial, I told her no. She then asked if she could return everything and buy it back. I told her she could. And she left mumbling that she was going to do that and that would be the last time she'd ever come to Target. Well, I left out a major detail...on purpose. When she returns those items, we will have to put them back onto the floor before she has a chance to rebuy them. And we don't put the stuff out right away, we wait for the cart to fill up. As you can see, this pisses people off, and that's why I love it. Haha!

The funniest thing today was this teenage guy returning this pair of ugly gold high heels. I didn't even want to ask.

Oh god, it was so boring. And there was nothing to do. So I just stared into space for most of my shift. Guests, except for Piggy mentioned above, were relatively decent.

Once I got into the parking lot when I was getting to work, I saw a Canadian bus...AUGH! Good thing it was leaving. I almost gave them the American 'bird'.

But before that, I was at home and Target calls me. I answer and the operator asks if I can come in ASAP to work GS. It was 5:15 and I worked at 6:30, so I said sure, I'd be there soon. Looks like they caught me when my social life was taking a day off. Because this never happens. Riiiiiight, ok nerd.

Well, tomorrow I cashier 2-6. Wow! Thanks for wasting a big 4 hours of my afternoon! (Not like I'd be doing anything else.) Well at least it's 4 hours and not 10 million like fucking usual. 4 hours feels like nothing on a good day. It seems like you punch in, say hi to everyone, say bye to everyone, and leave.

Well thanks for the comments, and thanks for reading. If it weren't for you guys, I'd seem like a basket case. (Not that I don't already.) Haha! Well, be back later!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Haha...Thanks for the comment! One regular reader! Woo Hoo! New record! Haha!

Well, today it was absolutely BORING! There was hardly anyone in the store. So, my day consisted of, again, trying to stay awake while standing up.

That guy that said he would bring in the cops (in an older post) came in today. He told me to have the cart attendant get the carts out of the neighboring parking lot. "Some kids will have a demolition derby with them." Ok psycho! And I hate how whenever he comes in the store he HAS to order someone around like he owns the place. Those kind of people really piss me off. He claims to know the Store Team Lead, but I really don't know. But what I do know is that whenever he comes in, he makes the employees feel like shit. So, when he told me to 'call the cart attendant' I gave this half-assed "OK" and he stood there. I looked at him expecting him to say or do something, but no he left. I didn't tell the cart attendant.

Then, as I was coming back from my lunch, there was this guy arguing about his new Target card. He signed up fo r the card, and was approved so he got 10% off. But you have to use it with the new credit card. I don't know what the problem was, but he didn't want the card anymore, so they had to switch payment methods. So, they couldn't give him the 10% because he wasn't using the new credit card. He basically had a shit fit right then and there. He left pissed as all hell. I'm still in a mind-maze as to what went wrong.

Funny moments:
-Lady with the tidal wave hair-do. I've never seen hair that high. I didn't even help her, I saw her go thru the lanes, but I couldn't stop laughing. I was laughing so hard, I made the cashier helping Ms. Tsunami 2005 laugh her ass off too.
-Some woman returned some crap, and she smelled awful! Jesse said it was stale cigarettes attempted to be covered up by a lot of perfume. It ended up smelling like a cheap whore. And her name was Bonnie. How fitting.

Wednesdays, Canadian Wednesdays. Yep, we got a bus, but they weren't a problem at GS. I heard there were tons at the fitting room. The thing with Canadians is, they buy so much only to return it the next day. Ok...What the fuck!? And then, we even get ones that ask us to split their receipts into separate transactions. They do this so they can screw our government out of paying duty on important stuff. So no, we don't do that. But how stupid do you have to be to walk into a store you've been to, and expect them to split a receipt? Why would that make any sense? Why would you assume we could do that? Oh Canadians... So irritating!

Tomorrow it's my pointless shift in GS. Oh well, I need to make up for hours lost when I went home sick. Schedules are also out tomorrow...EEK! Well, I guess I better get to bed.

SuperTarget SuperSucks! Just having fun with colors...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Random Outburst

I'm bored so I just decided to tell y'all what's on my mind. Not much. Haha!

Well, I work tomorrow 2-7:30 Guest Service, so it shouldn't be that bad. I work with Jesse so, we'll see how that goes. Wednesdays are notorious with Canadian bus days, although they aren't that big of a problem at the Service Desk. They reek havoc on Food Ave. Holy Fuck! That place is a nightmare with Canadians. I think Guest Service and Food Ave are tied with how much we hate Canadians. No other department hates them more in the store. That's funny how a majority of my good friends work in either of these departments. We all feed off each other's stories. Haha! It's so much fun to bash them!

Then I took a Thursday Guest Service shift because I guess you could say I'm retarded. The one night I plan something...ok so they weren't big plans, but still, I have the memory span of a gnat. I work 630-10, and Becky is working 5-11, so my shift is really quite pointless. They will probably make me cashier, and I'll just go home. Then Friday I work 2-6 cashiering...I thought I worked 2-8 so that's good. Then Sat I work 330-11 cashiering. YUCK! That will suck some MAJOR ass! But I saw that most of the other GS people are closing cashiering that night. I bet you I will be on a lane while everyone else from GS is a breaker. It's going to happen, just wait for my post after my Saturday shift. Then Sunday it's 12-4 in GS. Yeah, don't give me too many GS hours. It sucks that that is my only GS shift that week. Grr...

Well, now that I've informed everyone reading this about my schedule, you wannabe stalkers now know when I'll be at the Bullseye. Oh what? I don't have a stalker? Ok, right, then who's that guy? Oh I turned down his return? Oh shit I better run to my car! Is that a tire iron? Oh no worries, it was just a Canadian, and he was so stupid, he clobbered himself. Well, let's finish what he started...

So now that I've digressed A LOT, I'll just say this. I'll tell you how tomorrow goes when I get a chance. I may not be back here after every shift, so don't be surprised if I lump a few days together. Why am I typing this!? As if anyone cares if I separate the fucking days! As if anyone reads this! <---True. Well, I've blabbered for long enough now, looking back this post looks a little crazy, ok maybe a lot. Maybe it will ward off the stalkers. And I'm not paranoid about stalkers either. It's all a joke. Maybe a little on the dry side, but a joke nonetheless. Is anyone still reading? I don't blame you if you aren't...Haha! Time to end this post.

LEAVE A COMMENT telling what you think of my blog, or any of my posts!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Definitely Sick

Well, I absolutely had to leave work yesterday, I felt like I was going to pass out. I asked Renae at 4 if I could go, and she said I could. I went home and slept. I knew I couldn't ask Karen if I could go home because she probably wouldn't have let me, or if she did she would have made me feel guilty about it. So I was either going to ask Renae or Krista, but Krista was busy.

But yesterday was SO busy! Oh my fucking God! So many fucking Canadians, and most were rude. There was this one really nice guy though, so that's why I say most. Well, anyways my second guest of the day was this crabby old Canadian guy. I was ringing him up, and he said, "I guess you don't take debit payments here, do you!?" I told him we do, and he interrupted me, "Well then where do I put the card!?" I pointed to the fucking machine that was right fucking next to him. I also asked him if he wanted to save 10% if he was approved for a Target Visa, and he said, "What good would that do!? I'm from Canada. (sigh)" Well, I wasn't about to argue that it was a VISA and could be used anywhere Visa is accepted, but I decided to just let him leave. Jesse also came through my lane and said, "You're missing all the fun in Guest Service today." Yeah, thanks for rubbing it in asshole.

I don't work until Wednesday, so hopefully I'm a lot better by then. I'm doing a lot better than yesterday thank god!

Well, I guess I better continue to do nothing.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

So Pissed Off

So, I took Phyllis's shift last night. Well, as soon as I get there Laura says, "Haha, have fun!" Ok, thanks for getting my day off to a good start. And I see that NO ONE did defectives or garbages or tips for the whole fucking day. Their excuse? It was really busy. Yeah, bullshit. Even if it's busy and I'm working, I make sure to bring back defectives and the other stuff as a sign of RESPECT. I know they didn't mean for it to upset me, but sometimes I wonder. It seems that I'm always doing the work, while everyone else sits their and does a half-ass job. So, yeah it was busy when I took defectives back, but I really didn't give a shit. If I got yelled at for leaving while it was busy, I would've flipped.

Jesse was being an asshole the whole night, so it wasn't much fun. I mistakenly said, "I can't find a scissor." Of course he had to correct me, and then wouldn't let it go for the rest of the night. SCISSORS! There! Are you happy now!?

Fucking Christ, then Krista came up to the counter and asked how I was doing, and I was still totally pissed off, doing things mentioned above while Jesse was just talking, I said, "I'm ready to quit." then she tried to make me smile but I was too pissed off.

Today I get to cashier. Just fucking great. And I only got 3 hours of sleep last night because I'm starting to get the flu, either that or I had food poisoning. I don't know. I barfed twice so, my stomach doesn't feel the greatest right now, so I will tell them when I get there that I'm sick and might not make it the whole way. 1:30-7. A lot can go wrong it that amount of time. Well, I suppose I better get ready...

P.S. Where did all my commenters go? (tumbleweed rolls by)

Saturday, February 12, 2005

So Many Things to Say

Well, these past few days have been filled with the usual bullshit Target spews out, so let's begin.

On Thursday, I was cashiering and it sucked, of course. It was so fucking boring. I told Sharon that I was only available to 9:30, but I could stay until 10 and leave RIGHT AT 10! So when 10 rolls around, I help Sara with the defectives. We take our time so we don't have to help the floor. So after we are done with that (10:15ish) I go up to Sharon and tell her I'm leaving. Nope, she told me to do the cart of housewares returns before I leave. So I took the cart, went and did most of it, and hid the stuff I couldn't find. HEHE! After that I went and told Sharon I was leaving, and she let me go.
But earlier in the day, I was giving Sara a break at the service desk. This guy called in and said, "I bought a microwave there today, and it doesn't fit." I'm thinking What the fuck do you want me to do about it!? He then told me he needed a 400 watt microwave. So I ask him if he saw any on the shelf when he bought the other one. "I can't understand you!" So I repeated, "Do you want me to see if we carry any 400 watt microwaves!?" He kept saying that he couldn't understand me, and then topped it off with, "What are you doing, chewing on the telephone!? I can't understand you!" I was getting really pissed off, because of course it's my fault he has a shitty phone. So I said, "Do...You...Want...Me...To check...If...We...Have...400 watt microwaves? He yells, "Yes!" So I check, NOPE! So I told him that and hung up the phone. Why the fuck was that directed to Guest Service anyway, that should've been transferred to housewares. What a fucking asshole!
As I was cashiering, Sharon came by and told us there was prizes for getting Target cards. Dexi was right behind me, and she said, "Thanks Sharon" in the most sarcastic way. I couldn't help but laugh.
Also that day, we got our schedules for the 3rd week...FUCK! I have 4 shifts, one of which is Guest Service and it's 4 fucking hours on Sunday! 4 fucking hours! Thanks for nothing! Then of course I cashier Wednesday, 2 to fucking close! Then on Thursday it 5:15 to 9:30 cashiering and Saturday 11:30 to 3:45 cashiering. This really fucking sucks because all of the head cashiers are getting all the hours up there so they can have 40 hours a week. Fuck them!

That was all on Thursday, and next is Friday:

I was in Guest Service, no really crabby people so I've got no stories. :( It was so dead. There was barely any people in the fucking store. Thank God! When I first got there, Kari was working. I swear you cannot talk to her. She won't let you say one god damn thing. First of all, she's telling a story, and when she's done, I begin to tell a similar one, but as soon as I say a couple of words, she starts with a new story. It fucking got on my nerves!

So today I wasn't supposed to work, but I took Phyllis's shift from 6-close in Guest Service. I only take Guest Service shifts because as you know I hate cashiering. Hopefully it will be fun. The weekend always brings out the worst in people. I'm not looking forward to closing, it will suck. Maybe I can try sneaking out. Hmm...You didn't hear that from me!

And tomorrow I cashier 1:30 to 7, so that will suck.

Everyone have fun this weekend! God knows I will!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Check This Out!

Check out this link:

It's awesome! Maybe it can keep you busy when you're not here reading my unbelievable blog. Haha!

Well, anyway check it out, it's good fun!

And tomorrow I work cashiering 545 to close. Grr! Especially when I'm not available to close. Well, if they piss me off, I won't close. Damn it just sucks having the ball in my court. Hahahahaha, let's see them piss me off!

We also get our schedules for the 3rd week...I don't know what to expect. If the last couple of weeks are any indicator, it should be a good week with mostly Guest Service shifts, but you know how they like to fuck me over any way possible...

That's what pisses me off, I made this blog to remember funny moments in Guest Service, not bitch about everything under the T. With less and less GS shifts, that's less and less funny-stupid people I run into. Well, if you wanna read about some stupid guests, check out my archives. There's bound to be some good ones you haven't seen before.

Well, I'll hopefully be back on tomorrow bitching about my shift, or on Friday before or after that shift. Augh! Let's just say I'll be back...sometime.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Not so much

It wasn't very fun today. There was barely any funny-crabby people. There was barely any crabby people period. It was just a shitload of people constantly.

Only news is that Melissa called in sick, so me and Tony had to pick up the slack. I was scheduled until 5 and Tony until 7:30, and so I stayed until 7 and Tony stayed til 9. But Sharon gave Tony a free lunch, but not me. WTF!? That pissed me off.

So before we decided to stay longer, I asked if they could call anyone. Sharon said she already had a list. OK, but could you fucking call someone!? She didn't, she just assumed one of us would stay. Fuck her. Well, I said, "Call Krista." And Sharon flipped on me yelling, "It's not her weekend to work!" I said, "It's never my weekend to work." And Sharon said, "It's ALWAYS your weekend to work!" Again, fuck her. Isn't Krista a team player? Can't she help the team? Well, don't call me on my day(s) off because it's not my day to work. Yeah, I can be an asshole too. And now because of Sharon's attitude, I will be.

Around 5 it completely died because of the Super Bowl. So basically my job description was to stand there and try to stay awake. time I work is Thursday and I close cashiering. Ick! I'm sure I'll be bitching sometime before or after that happens, so until then...STAY TUNED!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Fun Stuff

Cripes! Today was fun at the Service Desk, with a lot of funny-crabby people. Holy tomato, here goes:

There was this one lady who wanted to pay on her account. Well she didn't have her card, her statement, or her account number, so I told her I couldn't process her payment. She asked if I could look her information up on my computer, and I told her our computers do not have access to that information. She flew off the handle and asked if she could buy something and charge it to her account. I told her no, that we needed the card to process a purchase. She calls me a liar, saying that she's been in this store without her card or account number and was able to purchase things on her account. I told her that wasn't possible, and she stormed away and said, "I don't think you know what you are talking about." or "You don't know all of the information" or some bullshit like that.
-Yeah, ok, we are suppose to charge it to your account just by you walking into the lane without your card? How stupid is that? What a fucking moron!

Then there was this Canadian (rude of course) and he had a FoodSaver that he wanted to return. Well, he didn't have his receipt, and so my co-worker tried looking it up on his credit card. It didn't show up and she asked him when he purchased it. "April." As this was obviously over the 90 days, my co-worker told him that we have a 90 day return policy, and needed a receipt for a return. The guy flips out yelling, "I'm from another country! I don't get down here often! I want to speak with a manager!" The LOD comes up and they re-explain the situation. The LOD says exactly what my co-worker said, but the guy wasn't having any of it. He kept yelling that Target should be responsible for the products it sells, and the LOD told him that we are responsible for the products for 90 days, after that he has to go through the manufacturer. The LOD apologized for this situation, but the guy said, "You're not sorry! I am a good customer here, and you aren't making any attempt to satisfy me." The LOD said, "Sir it has nothing to do with what kind of guest you are, it's 90 days for everyone. Again, I apologize." The guy kept yelling, "You're not sorry! you're not sorry! I'm sorry for ever shopping here!" And he walked away.
-Just because you live in another country DOESN'T mean the rules are null and void to you. Why expect that you are the exception just because you live in another country? I've had people that live farther away than you come in here and get their exchange within the 90 days! It's not an excuse, if you wanted to return it so damn badly, you would've been down here sooner. I've had Canadians tell me they ignore the expiration date on the receipt because they say it doesn't apply to them because they live in Canada. I don't feel sorry for you.

Then as this guy was freaking out, I was helping another woman. She got a gift for Christmas (why are people STILL returning Christmas gifts!?) and it was over $10. I tell her she needs to exchange it for one item in hardware that's that amount or greater. She asks for a manager, and the LOD is right next to me talking with the guy mentioned above. So we listened to the whole spiel, and the LOD helped me. The lady wanted to be able to spend it anywhere in the store, not just hardware. The LOD again backed me up and told her it had to be in hardware. So the lady finally agrees. She looks at me, and says,"Well, aren't you going to give me the giftcard!?" I told her she had to exchange it for one item in hardware, and that I wasn't giving her a giftcard, she had to do the exchange now. Well after arguing she finally went to look, but came back empty handed, she took her stuff and left.
-So my co-worker and I were both getting chewed out at the same time. We both laughed at them after the fact.

Then there was this old guy with an unlit cigar in his mouth. (WTF!?) He bought the wrong kind of pop, so he was returning it. The receipt was dated the day prior, and he paid with a check. So, it was going to give him a giftcard back because the check hadn't gone through yet. He told me this was the reason he doesn't shop at Target. I burst out laughing because he was going to buy the kind he wanted! What is so terrible about getting a giftcard back if you're just gonna use it right away anyway?

As you can see it was a rather interesting day today. I get to do it all over again tomorrow. I love Guest Service! It's so much fun dealing with idiots!

Peace! I'll be back tomorrow with hopefully some more funny ass stories!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Back To Bitching

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I just got my schedule for the 3rd week. And to no surprise I have a shitload of cashier shifts, 3 to be exact. Then I just have 1 Guest Service shift and its a measly 5.5 hours...Gee thanks. (eyeroll) I am seriously considering leaving to find something I would like to do after I graduate in the year 2050. (jk, more like 2049) But that brings back the whole thing about leaving 'the team' at Target. I guess I need more information to base my decision on. I tried looking at everyone else's schedule and they don't have many GS hours either. My question is where did the GS hours go? If I am only going to get 1 puny GS shift a week with more cashier shifts, I don't think I can make it... Augh!

Walking on campus today, I saw 5 billion people that worked at Target. We all say hi to one another, so we may have the biggest group on campus. In between every class I see at least one Targeteer. And in all of my classes I also have at least one Target person in there. So on average I see about 10 Target people a day. Weird.

Those trying to find out what city I work in *cough cough Target Corp.* now have these clues to go by:
College campus
Too close to Canadians
I GAVE you all of the names of the people that work in GS
*not that hard!*

Ahh, fire me if you want, although I don't think they could just because I'm typing here, I've got nothing wrong with the company, just the shit that goes down in my store. But, I'm sure they would make a reason to fire me. Huh, my loss...

Well, I open Guest Service tomorrow. That should be fun, since I haven't fucking worked up there in 2 fucking weeks! There will be nothing to do for the first 2 hours, except help the crabby grannies. And Sunday, I'm also in GS, so this may be a good weekend with funny guests. When you're cashiering, you don't get to interact with as many crabby people...funny crabby people. So, hopefully I can tell some GS stories instead of bitching about cashiering for a change...a well needed change. Be back tomorrow!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Age-Old Question

Why do I still work here if it sounds like everyday sucks?

Well, it's complicated. I love working with my fellow level 1s, and we all joke and it really is like my second family. I've been at this store for a while now, so I know everyone pretty well, except the newbies of course. I have a lot of good friends under the T, most of which I never would have talked to otherwise. We do stuff outside of work, and so when working it makes the day go by that much quicker. The pay isn't half bad either. Getting paid for what I do seems like they are overpaying me somedays.

All and all, I think I like to complain. But hey, it's MY life, and I'll decide what I want to do with it. Usually I'm just venting because everyone needs an outlet. Would you rather have someone let off steam here or go beserk when they can't handle it anymore? If you don't like to hear me complain, the 'Next Blog' button is up there for you to enjoy. My blog, my way.

This may seem like a random post, but I was just responding to a comment on this site. I'm not trying to be rude, but quitting never really solves anything. I figure if I stay with the almighty bullseye, I might be able to change things for the better, if not I have a hella lot of good stories that can make people smile.

And if anything, I hope this blog makes people realize that retail employees are people too, and please treat us as so. Be polite, and you will make a good impression on this person. I remember plenty of days where I was having a crummy day because of how people were treating me, and then one person comes along, and is so nice and understanding that you say you smiled at least once that day. Treat these retail employees with respect because I know from experience, we treat you the way you treat us.

Any other questions? ;)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


This MAY be where I work. I'm not sure. Posted by Hello

Holy Fuck!

Well today REALLY sucked. Yet another day of cashiering. I was on lane 25, but there weren't many TMs there so we were really busy. And to top it all off, we got 2 fucking busloads of rude-ass Canadians. Fuck, I hate them.

Well, my day started and about 30 minutes into my shift, I get a big order. Heather decides to help me bag. Well, as I was ringing things up, right in the middle of the transaction, Heather asked if he wanted to sign up for a Target card. He said YES. I was going to fucking ask him at the END of the transaction, like NORMAL people do. So anyway, she got a card and I got pissed. If you are bagging for someone, you should at least give the cashier a CHANCE to ask before you do. It was totally disrespectful, and she didn't get a thanks. Fuck her!

Cashiering is boring, plain and simple. I honestly could not tell you what I did today. I did it all subconsciously, and I probably looked like a pissed off robot. I have listened to people, and by the time they were done talking, I already wasn't paying attention. Whoops.

Ok, this Canadian guy (I FUCKING HATE CANADIANS!!!) comes up to my lane after I shut my light off. He rudely asks me, "Can't you ring just this one thing up!? It's just one thing!" I wasn't going to because then the people who I already turned away would think they could come back, and use this guy as an excuse. Well, I look around and no one is really heading my way so I decide to just do it. Looking back I wouldn't have. This jerkoff was a complete asshole when I rang him up. Look buddy, I'm doing you the fucking favor here, so at least you can show some fucking thanks! He was pissed because he probably thought he was the exception to the rule (all Canadians do) and they treat the Americans like shit. You know what Canada? Stay in your own fucking country for once, I know it sucks up there, but stay put.

I took Phyllis's shift for next Saturday. I wasn't scheduled, and don't have much of a life, so why not make some bucks? Well anyway, it's in GS so it's not too bad. It's closing on a Saturday. Umm...that's the only bad part.

Becky is back from her injuries, and Tyan is back from falling off the face of the earth. Weird. We were just talking about her the other day, only thing is now she cashiers. That would be enough for me to quit.

Next time I work, it's on Saturday, and I open Guest Service. Wow. That is gonna be fun...ok maybe not. It's so boring in the day, but hey it's better than closing. Amen to that. (I thought I would add that to make it seem like I...What the fuck!? Just ignore me.)

Oh yeah, when I got to work, I went to see what lane I was on, and I noticed my break wasn't written down. So as I was writing it, Karen walks in. (Just fucking great, I know) She asks bitchily (new word?) "What are you doing?" I told her I was writing my break down. "Why!?" Umm...because it wasn't written down dipshit! "Well, you don't get a break. Ha-ha. I'm just kidding. I must've missed it." Now it may seem like she was joking, but the way she said it, it sounded like she had it pre-written out, and was reading off a script. And it was very robot-like, that's maybe why Target likes her. Target likes robots. If you stand up to one of them, they will plow you down. You need to be a doormat for the power-hungry people that are in charge. If you're not a doormat, bye! Being a doormat is just one component of turning humans into robots. More robot talk in another post, perhaps where it makes more sense, if any.

Ahh, a few days off...What will I do? Oh yes, NOT WORK! Woo Hoo! Well, I don't know what to write. Haha, and yet I'm still typing.

This weekend is all GS for me! Yes! Finally! It's been almost two fucking weeks since I've been up there! Two fucking weeks!? And I'm still employed? By Target? Wow. I must've been in a damn good mood. Well I wasn't, according to my posts. It is amazing though, going 2 weeks without working up in GS. Let's not have that happen again, OK?

Now that everyone thinks I'm out of my mind, I am. Haha! betcha didn't see that one coming! You have to be out of your mind to work in retail.