Saturday, July 01, 2006


Well, it was busy as all shit today and I'm glad I don't work tomorrow. There were plenty of asshole Canadians and some stupid ones too.

First of all, there was this one Canadian woman who opened a carbonated water and it exploded all over. I saw the whole thing happen. Her friend then came over to Guest Service and asked for a Kleenex, but we didn't have any so I gave her a shitload of paper towels. So her friend gave her the paper towel, the woman wiped off her hands and left. Yep, she left the fucking puddle that she made and left. So I had to walk over there and clean it up. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND THINKS IT'S OK TO LEAVE A FUCKING MESS YOU CREATED!? Oh that's right, the fucking Canadians.

Then there was people who were returning shit, but it wasn't on the receipt they gave me. This one Canadian (go figure) couple were YELLING at me swearing up and down that their receipt was the only one from that day and that it HAD to be on there. Well it wasn't. I finally just got sick and tired of it and so I just returned whatever one they said was on there. Then they said, "Oh did you get it to work?" And I said, "No, it's not on your receipt, but I'll do it anyway." in the bitchiest tone ever.

And yet another dumb question asked by yet another Canadian: "Do you guys carry any Nashville t-shirts or souvineers?" Ok, that could be a legitimate question had we been in Tennessee, BUT we are in NORTH DAKOTA here! Yeah, we have random shit from all over the country. WTF!?

I'm SO glad I don't work tomorrow, but the fucktards have Monday off too, and I open GS. I hope they all fucking leave on Monday so I can enjoy my country's holiday. The last thing I need is to have it pissed on by the fucking Canadians.

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