Saturday, March 17, 2007

Back Into The Swing Of Things

Yeah, the nice people had to take this weekend off because we had a lot of rude people.

I experienced a few "fun" people:

This woman lost her keys and was freaking out because of it. I understand, but this lady was a bitch. She comes up and asks me if any keys were turned in. Nope. Then she asks me to page overhead for everyone in the store to check their carts for her keys. Hell no. I tell her that I'm unable to do that because the only thing I'm allowed to do overhead is page someone. She freaks out. "So I'm just SOL then!? I can't check every cart!" I give her this shrug and just tell her I can't make the page for her. I tell her I can call up a supervisor for her to talk to but that's about it. She storms off and just then is when a cashier finds her keys on the lane she was just at. I hope she drops them down into the sewer and can't get them out. Page that bitch.

Then this whole no receipt exchange thing is getting out of control. Some people are just bitchy. One guy had something from infants that was $19.99 and it was a gift so he didn't have a receipt. Here goes the conversation:
Me-"Without a receipt, you'll have to exchange this for one item from infants that is $19.99 or greater."
Asshole-"Can't you give me a giftcard!?" (Did I fucking mention one!?)
M-"Not without a receipt. You'll have to exchange it for another item from infants that's 19.99 or greater."
A-"Then just give me a giftcard to do that."
M-"No, you'll have to do the exchange up here."
So he walks away and bitches to his wife (loudly so I guess I could hear) and they walk off. Oh, too bad it's the end of my shift and I can leave.

There was also this woman who challenged it right as it came out of my mouth, and I'm sick of people treating me like crap so I explained everything so the little sweetheart could understand. She was also bitching that you're only allowed two no receipt returns/exchanges per year to which I corrected her saying, "Target requires a receipt for all returns and exchanges, and they do allow two exceptions per 12 month period." Bitch, if you want to go by the real policy, I'd have no problem. I'm helping YOU out.

Then there was this woman who already used her two but bitched because she was just exchanging and that "it wasn't a return." Exchanging is RETURNING an item and buying another one. Returning is a part of an exchange, but you are technically still returning something to the store.

Here's to hoping that tomorrow is just as fun!

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